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Monday, September 19, 2016

Week 3 BRFL Results: Triple Ream

Only week 3 and a major shake-up.
It was only a few weeks ago Snottie was blowing smoke out his blow hole about FSU and the Nat'l Championship. Now...not so much.
Clem returns to Skid Row.
And I guess this year we won't have to worry about forking over money to SkHank.

Louisville dismantles Florida State 63 to 20. Total of 9 points for Seannie G., total of minus 11 for Snottie who power dives to #13 in the AP. It's Louisville that's looking at the Final Four now, Bitch.

MEN OF THE SCARLET AND GRAY. Opening a can of Whoop-Ass on Bob Stoops in Oklahoma with a 45-24 spanking that wasn't as close as the score looks. Q gets a boost. 3 points. #2 team in the country.

Meechy 45, Colorado Buffaloes 28. 2 pointer for Teebs. Meechy #4 and thinking playoffs.

Clemson returns to form, ass-whips hapless SowCow 59-0. 2 points for McLuvin' this week. Lands him at minus 2 for the season.

Wash U hangs 41 on...Portland State? The Almighty AP is angered. 0 on the weekend. (He won, but he went backwards and doesn't get a no drop point). CCS backpedals to #9.

Meechy State blows out Notre Dame's candle 36-28 in South Bend. This infuriates the AP and they bend ClemboSlice over a log and give him the REAM. Minus 12 on the weekend. No playoff fo you, G.I.

North Dakota State lays a loss on Iowa. They had it coming. Kirk Ferentz says, "Fuck you. I already got a raise and a contract extension. People in Iowa don't get that I suck." But the AP does. Oh, yes. They drag Kirk behind the silo, lay him over the manure spreader and give him the REAM. An epic minus 17 weekend for DPo. Easy schedule my ass. Iowa unranked.

Tennessee survives against perennial power house Ohio U. and the AP inexplicably gives them a move up for this bullshit. 3 point weekend for Sock. Tennessee at #14

LSU "dominates" Mississippi State 23-20 and the AP says, "Sure, take 2." Killer Bee nets 4 on the weekend. Crazy Les Miles sits at #18 with his squad.

Oregon douches out and takes a loss vs. unranked Nebraska, 35-32. A vengeful AP grabs a stray corn cob and drills a REAM into SkHank and the Ducks. Minus 8 weekend, courtesy of the Cornhuskers.
Oregon is unranked.

Florida pisses all over nobody North Texas, 32-0. AP loves it as the Gators move up 4. 6 point weekend for KMan. Florida is #19.

Holy shit. Miami 45 over App State 14. AP goes ape-shit and boosts them 10 (I know, I know, I don't get it either) and Randingle crushes the weekend with 12 points. Miami is #15.

TCU beats Iowa State 41-20. Less than impressive. No love from the AP. Commissioner gets 1 point. Still unranked.

Boise State had a bye. Unranked. BroFro gets stoogatz. Stays at 2 total.

How it stands:

SeaBalls: Louisville #3. 22 BRFL points.
Randilingus: Miami #15, 20.
CCS: Washington U #9, 10. Three way tie for the Liberace.
Q Woman: THE Ohio State University #2. 10.
KMan: Florida Gators #19, 10.
Teebs: Meechy #4. 9.
BroFro: Boise State Unranked: 2
SackPuppet: Tennessee #14: 0
SkHank: Oregon Unranked. minus 2.
McLuvin': Clemson. #5, -2.
Snottie: Florida State U #13, -7.
DPo: Iowa Unranked. -9.
Killer Bee: LSU #18, -10
'BoSuke: TCU Unranked. -15
ClemboSlice: Notre Dame: Unranked. -18

The AP is a nasty mistress.

Commissioner for Life

1 comment:

  1. Sucks being me. At least I'm not Clem, though. Man, that guy never learns.
