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Friday, September 9, 2016

BRFL Week 1 Standings

Week 1 Standings:

SAG and CCS: 8
Randude: 6
Teebs! and Q: 4
DPo: 3
SkHank: 2
BroFro and Snottie: 1
'BoSuke: -1
McLovin': -2
KMan: -4
Sock: -7
ClemboSlice: -8
Killer Bee: -17

Commissioner for Life


  1. so loving that you caved under my whining about the negative points. On to world domination

  2. I only got 1 point on the GG but it brings joy to my heart (after the beat down we received from the bukkake face comish last week) that it comes with a TCU loss TO ARKANSAS!!!!

    1. Yes, nothing embitters the comish like losing money at his own game with rules only he knows. Then to have to feed all of us mouth breathers while we count our cash. Sweet justice. Sweet, sweet justice.
