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Monday, September 26, 2016

BRFL Week 4: Double Diddle

Starting to get a feel for where this BRFL season is going after week 4.

Seannie riding top side. Louisville delivers a 59-28 pasting to Marshall. He's still Numero Uno. Louisville #3 in the AP.
So playoffs.

Miami had a bye. Still Randilingus moved up one and got a no drop. #14.

Ohio State with the bye week. Q gathers a no drop. She's got the AP #2 team. TOSU.

Meechy shat upon Penn State. Justice served. 49-10 for the Maize and Blue. Teebs! touching himself. And why not? He has the inside track on the Liberace. Still #4 in the AP.

Wash U survives in the desert. 35-28 over unranked Arizona. AP punishes. Drop 1. AP Numba Ten suckee long time, CCS.

Hot diggety damn. BroFro gets the DIDDLE and lands at #24 in the AP. 38-24 over Oregon State. Nets 7 on the weekend. Crazy like a fox, is this bitch.

KMan's Gators implode. Comeback victims to the Vols, 38-28. Suicide always an option. Minus 4 on the day. Gators holding on to the 23rd spot in the AP. Flirting with REAMland.

SockPuppet starting to see some chance of recovery. Tennessee not sucking against Florida, big first step. 5 point weekend. Tennessee #11.

Clemson shuts down GTech, 26-7. McLuvin'picks up a couple. Still #5 in the land and thinking playoffs. Louisville must stumble.

SkHanks dreams of glory running off the rails. Oregon upset by Colorado 41-38. Buffs make it tough for the Skankmeister to stay positive. Cutting behavior expected. Unranked.

Florida State hangs 55 on South Florida. But gives up 35. To South Florida. AP gives you a move up for that shit, Snottie? 3 point weekend.

DIDDLE! DIDDLE! DIDDLE! TCU pounds the Ponies of SMU  33-3. AP moves me up to #21, Awesome 10 point weekend, Mr. Awesome. It's "Me Time" all the time, Bitches.

Iowa outlast Rutgers 14-7. One point. Unranked. DPo in the Land of Boredom and Corn.

Ugh. Duke over Notre Dame 38-35. Domers Defensive Coordinator the only one to get a sack. Shit canned. And Brian Kelly starts thinking maybe coaching the pros doesn't look so bad. Clem locked in horrible depressive tail spin. Seldom changes clothes, ignores personal hygiene. Obsessive masturbation.

It's a touchdown. Wait. No it isn't. Auburn 18 over LSU 13. Euphoria on the Plains. Les Miles fired. Addle brained SEC fan sets fire to Toomer's Corners trees. What is it with the fucking trees? Bridget seen talking to police on local bridge. Hard to hear what she was saying in between inhuman screams. Minus 7 power dive and then a gratuitous REAMing by the AP. Unranked and in the death spiral.
2 years in a row the Killer Bee has had her coach shot out from under her.

The Leader Board:

SeaScum: 24 BRFL points
Randong: 22
Teebs!: 11
Q: 11
CCS: 10
BroFro: 9
KMan: 6
SockPuppet: 5
McLuvin": 0
Skank: Negative 2
Snottie: -4
'BoSuke: -5
Dpo: -8
ClemboSlice: -18
Killer B: -22

Commissioner for Life

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