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Monday, September 12, 2016

GG Week 2 Results

GG Week 2:

This is such bullshit.

Arkansas Chancres over TCU 41-38 double OT. Fuck. You. All.
Utah edges BYU in the "Holy War" 20-19.
Miss State douches SowCow 27-14. Puke-a-zoid.

'BoSuke : 0
SeaGra: 1
BroFro: 2
Teebs!: 2
CCS: 1
DPo: 2
KMan: 1
McLuvin': 2
Snottie; 2
Sock: 0
Killer: 2
Randude: 2


BroFro: 4
DPo: 4
Snottie: 4
Randong: 4
Teebs!: 4
CCS: 3
Killer: 3
McLuvin'; 3
Sock Puppet: 2
KMan: 3
SeaScum: 2
'BoSuke: 1

Commissioner for Life


  1. Commish -- I know you are all bummed about your Horned Frogs and all, but I picked TCU, Utah and Mississippi State, so your math is for CRAP, Dude...I got two points this week, so I sit at Three for GG...
    Try to get it together.
    BTW, Nice shut out by the Redskins over Clinton.

    1. Yes, I said REDSKINS.
      Screw your School Board decision to mothball a perfectly noble mascot to get some cheap press and a few unis.

  2. You have a lot of opinions, McLuvin'. But you're right. You had 2 points coming. My mistake.

  3. Hey J-Man... I think you tossed back a few too many pints at Doubleday tonight before submitting this post. Please return to your lair and dust off your abacus. I picked the Razorbacks over your Toads. That gives me a point in this weeks GG.
    ...More points for the # of fingers it took the 6'10" Skipper to block that 28 yard chip shot with 20 seconds on the clock!!!
