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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Stain of Joe Paterno

Well, just in case there were still some people  out there who thought Joe Pa somehow managed to keep from knowing his DC was buggering boys in the Penn State showers, it looks like denial just took a big hit.

And, just to show that a giant shit storm covers a lot of people with shit, Greg Schiano is looking down the barrel at having one of the shortest Ohio State coaching careers in history. 'Cause if you're going to say that all these Penn State football coaches that knew Jerry Sandusky was butt banging boys in the shower should swing from the gallows pole you'd better round up a rope for the Nut Job from New Jersey right quick. He was one of them.

This should be interesting. There were a lot of Ohio State fans (like everybody else) who were ready to drag ol' Joe Pa' behind a pick up truck and close down Penn State football once and for all over the hiney poking that went on during his tenure. Now we get this. Gonna' want Greggy representin' at the Shoe, knowing what you know?

Personally, I've been hating on Joe Pa since before we knew he ignored the fact that his defensive coordinator was slipping the sausage to a bunch of football worshiping orphans. And I'm also not a huge fan of Greg Schiano and thought he was a shitty pick to replace anybody at TOSU.

So, for me, this is win-win.
And who's more important than me?
To be honest? Nobody, really.

Commissioner for Life

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