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Friday, July 29, 2016

No. Football is not "Safe".

Never trust a tobacco company. And never trust the NFL. Here's a little family dinnertime conversation starter that ought to make some moms and dads a little more terrified of football.
If that's possible.
I was the Cooperstown High varsity coach who drew the short straw and had to attend the USA Football, "Heads Up Football" rah-rah session at Saquiot Valley HS. 6 to 9:30 PM on a rainy Tuesday night after work this summer. Some jerk, who was getting paid by USA Football, practically had an orgasm telling us all about how safe Heads Up Football is making football. Then he showed us a bunch of tackling techniques we have all been using for years (with just maybe a few less injuries.) And some totally ineffective blocking techniques that might not get you hurt as often but couldn't block a fucking text message. It was ridiculous and it cost the school I don't know how much. But however much, it was too much. Pretty soon football as we know it won't exist. You won't recognize the sanitized bullshit out on the field as Amurican Football no more, Bronies. 
Football is not safe. 
That's why we love it. 
The only way to take concussions out of football is to use players who don't have heads.

Commissioner for Life

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