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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Pay Out Numbers: A Painful Story told with Hyperlinks

I hate to interrupt all that BRFL research that's going on out there.
I can hear the clacking of your keyboards as you drill down for more info on the O Line depth at Clemson, try to figure out why pundits praise Florida State in preseason polls, puzzle over the Les Miles paradox and analyze the QB situation at down at Baylor.

But...first we need to settle up and get our draft order set up nice. ( McLuvin' and Q, you have a coin-flip situation).

(BTW, in case your wondering what the image above is about, say 'hello' to the Dallas Blowbot.)

My People, this is what BRFL pain looks like. I wish I could be with you at this difficult moment.

Take a look at the numbers. I'm sorry I didn't collect for GG and Heismaniac up front last year. I'm appointing BroFro Treasurer this year because I'm pretty sure nobody trusts me.

Commissioner for Life


  1. These hyperlinks get me hard. This will no doubt once-and-for-all quell the This-Blog-Sucks-Let's-Go-Back-to-Email whining from the panty wastes that make up a small minority of the League.

  2. The BRFL blog, now killing it with hyperlinks. What more could anyone ask for?
