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Sunday, December 7, 2014

GG Week 15 Results.

Good evening, Friends.

What a gratifying GG. My oh my. Such fun.

Snottie, the new leader, with the sweep. Rings up a nice 25 on the weekend. Nice pull, Homeslice. Of course it helped that you had faith in TOSU. A 4 point dog to Wisconsin.
You have 64, Friendo.

Sock Puppet. You took  home 8. Missed the sweep because, well, I think we know why you missed the sweep. Don't we? Looking at YOU, "Billy".
63 is your total.

SeaSack. Again, 8 is a respectable showing. You now have 60. Wisky disappointed you perhaps?

DPullDong. 59. 8 point weekend. Picked every game but the Wisconsin game. Huh. So wierd,

Q. 8 pointer. 56. So confident on the phone as you boldly picked the Badgers. How'd that work out for you?

CCS. 6 points. You have 54. You are an unclean blaspheming Badger picking sinner.
Jimbosuke, fix him, ye, a sandwich of bacon, lettuce and tomato, takes home 9. Go Bucks.
Your Commissioner has 54.

BroFro. 8. 53. How the mighty have fallen. If only you hadn't been duped by all that "Wisconsin O-line is so dominant" bullshit. Melvin Gordon selling Paul Bunyan's axe to buy some oxys.
McLuvin'. 9 for you, My Brother. Why the fuck did you pick GTech? You led  me astray. I will soon pound your face with a hammer. Keep that Buckeye love coming though, My Man. You have 53.

Randoggie. You did well in GG this weekend. 11. Feels good to get 5 for an upset don't it, Bro'?
You popped up to 42 and you are knocking on some doors.
ClemboSlice. Take your douching and begone, AssSmell Heretic. You bagged 6 and were lucky to get that. Your pick in the Wisconsin game was shameful to say the least. You have 42. I feel let down by you.

Timmy! Naught. 10. Words fail me.

On to the playoffs, Brethren.


Oregon 51 - 'Zona 15
'Bama 42 - Mizzou 13
Wisconsin 0 - THE Ohio State University 59
Kansas State 27 - Baylor 35
FSU 37 - G Tech 35


  1. Tried to be cute with the GTech regrets...Jam Us is a Tool.

  2. Jim, I the phone call was recorded you would have known that I picked Ohio State, however Saturday morning I was second guessing that pick. When Sean told me that you had me down for Wisconsin I said let it ride! My bad

    1. Never doubt yourself, Q. I would have changed it. This is bad. I didn't write your picks down and "misremembered" them the next day. Do you want to take it to the membership and grieve the Wisco pick?

  3. Absolutely not. I had plenty of time to phone in the correct pick however I am worried about your recall ability. Q

    1. It's the booze. I drink like a fish to cope with the pressure-cooker lifestyle of the BRFL Commissioner but then I can't remember people's picks. Self-defeating behavior. Counseling?
