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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

GG Week 14 Results

GG Week 14 Results;

The Douche Remains the Same.

Sock only nets 2 (strong pick on the TOSU game, Amigo): 55.
SeaGra hangs in. But grabs 3 (pussy?): 53.
DPo rising. Nabs 7 in strong showing. 51. If there only was a GG Liberace....
CCS. Snags 3. Solid @ 48.
Q-Babe. She is Woman. Hear her roar: pulls down 5. 48.
'Bosuke. Big weekend. Plucks 7. 45.
BroFro. Fading to black. Deuce. 45. Tied with the 'Suke.
McLovin'. Love his moxie. Big 7. Back from the dead with 43.
Snottie. Respectable representin'. 6. 39.
ClemboSlice. Yesterday's news, Bitchsicle. 3. 36.
Randudemeister. Mr. Nowhere. Dos. 31.
Tjizz. What went wrong this year, Teeba? Naught. 10.

Commissioner for Life


  1. I thought I got three correct. Arizona, TOSU and Bama or have I got that new math all f%$*ed up!

    1. Right you are, Grahamsie. You picked 'Bama, TOSU and Zona correctly. All three were favorites. You picked up 3 not 2. I fixed it. Good eye.
