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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

GG Bowls: Chapter 6 and 7 Results.

Chapter 6 Results:

Texas A&M over WVU. God damn it.
Clemson blows out Oklahoma. Fuck you, Bob Stoops.
Arkansas over Texas, surprising no one. Except Q.

One Sweeper: SockPuppet; Grabs 5 and moves up to second place.

New Numbers:

SeaScum: 80, Snottie: 80
DPo: 79, SockPuppet: 79
QLove: 70, McLuv:70
BroFro: 69 (I always suspected this, Paul)
BoSuke: 67
CCS: 66
ClemboSlut: 55
RandCock: 52
Teeba: Still 10. Shocking.

Moving on.

GG Bowls. Ownership round.

Crazy Les Miles lets us all down ('cept Randy). Especially SkHank; LSU loses to ND on late FG.

Georgia drubs Louisville, 37-14. A most satisfying game. Blood on blood, as Snottie says.

Of note the BullDongs have now made McLovin' suffer two years in a row. They won't stop kicking the man. Geo loses their #1 QB near the end of the 1st half but a heapin' helpin' of Nick Chubb, Sony Michel and the White Guy pounds the birds into goo. Nice.

Stanford 45, Maryland 21. Kind of a mismatch. Congrats to Q$exy.

One guy swept: RanDingle. 10 point bonanza.

New numbers:

SeaGra: 86, Spottie: 86
DPoon: 85, Sockn'Balls: 85
BroFro with a 6 pull: 75
BoSuke(6): 73
CCS(6): 72, McLickin'(6): 72
QWoman: 70. Mysterious no entry hurts. Did I miss a text?
Randude: 62
ClemboSlice: 59
Teeblations: 10

On to New Year's Eve. No owners in this one. 1 for each game, 5 for the sweep.


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