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Monday, September 29, 2014

Was Liberace Gay?

Liberace seems to be making friends and settling in to his new surroundings. I always thought Ergo Man was a little sketchie, but clearly Bo is not comfortable. We'll see how it goes.


  1. Crazy shit happens when the L-man gets "outside the box". I suggest you have a serious talk with your insurance agent as soon as possible. I'm trying to be helpful here. You just don't know what the Rachee is capable of .

  2. I was so worried about taking him out of the box last year but clearly I didn't have to. Q

  3. Is it wrong of me to be a little jealous... and more than a little turned on?

  4. This reminds me of a party in Hartwick sometime in 1975. My mother was very impressed with the positions my sisters barbie dolls were in that fine morning. Barbie on her knees seemed to be the theme of the show. Scott, any recollection ?

  5. It's all a blur. Was this the party that involved a cock sock?

  6. I don't think so. Wasn't the "cock sock" party at Jim and Joan Millea's home in Fly Creek? I still have mine.

  7. No way! You should bring it to next year's BRFL party. Who knitted that? Joan?

  8. It was Joan because she was worried about you guys freezing your schweens off @ Great Lakes Naval Base.

  9. One size fits all? I'm guessing Joan may have had a skewed concept about how much yarn would be necessary to provide adequate coverage.
