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Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Hubris of the Hilltoppers.

It's fourth and 2 on the Chippewa 19 yard line.
There are 51 seconds left in the game.
A few minutes ago, the Chippewas stopped you on the goal line on 4th down.
In the first half they dominated you.
Yet here you are, Western Kentucky U., on the Chippewa 19 with 51 seconds to play in regulation. It's fourth down and 2 and you are trailing 24-21.

Here's what you did: (go to 1:33 in the video)

Thank you, interim coach Guidry, for douching your gaping asshole with my dreams of GG glory.
Good luck on the job search, interim coach Guidry. Everyone will know, just mentioning, why you are a defensive coordinator and not head coach material. You said your players wanted to go for the win. How about kicking the chip shot field goal, going to OT and actually having a snowball's chance at the win? Instead, you fucking FUCKING clowns line up and throw down the sideline, into triple coverage. That's what you did. Instead of kicking the field goal.

You cost me another GG game, Fuckers. Not too pleased about it.
