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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Bobcat Bite

Just outside of Santa Fe, NM there used to be a road side cafe called Bobcat Bite. It served burgers and lunch-joint fare and was mighty good.
The Bobcat burger had jalapenos and spicy shit wound all through it and it burned your guts all day and then gave you a three alarm poop-hole fire the next morning. For about an  hour.
AY CHIJUAJA, AMIGO! That was a hot burger.
Which has nothin' special to do with what BroFro's finally healthy Ohio Bobcats did to ULM yesterday (of course I had ULM, dumbkopf. I'm a fucking pail full of loser this GG season).  I watched some of this game and it was an ass-beat from start to finish. Total domination. And, also, I never thought, nor was I informed, that the ULM QB throws the ball like he has a 200 pound dwarf hanging off his nuts with his little hands squeezing scrote for dear life. It looks like it's tough to throw under those conditions.

Beau Blankenship. Beau Fucking Blankenship. May he shit Bobcat Bite Burger chunky, hard fat turds for the rest of his damn life. Thanks for the loss, Beau.
You and your Bobcat friends can feather my bung.


1 comment:

  1. I, too, had ULM....Bobcats can kiss my ass..........but if Jim's a pailful of loser this GG season, then I am a gaping black hole full of LOOOOOOOOOSER....really, I am.
