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Saturday, December 29, 2012

ClemboSlice Redemption Song

What do you get when you drop two lame-ass offenses and two pretty good defenses into a bowl, pour a shitload of rain on them and stir for three and a half hours? You get something that tastes like ass called the Russell Athletic Bowl and a duel between two dick-pull kickers you've never heard of. And you get a win on a field goal in OT. A field goal.
In over time.
What that means is that Buttgers, who had the second possession of overtime, could not match the paltry 3 points that Virginia Tech put up. Even though they started on the VT's 35.
Here's what this shameful comedy of errors looked like:

Logan Thomas sucks, Clem. That's why your season sucked. But Gary Nova, the Rutgers signal caller, he sucks much worse. Gary Nova. You know he plays for Rutgers just by the name. A Jersey guy, who sucks, and plays for Rutgers. And doesn't complete a lot of passes.
Congratulations, ClemboSlice. Strong finish for your Hokies.
Another fuck-over on your Commissioner,  of course, since I had Gary Novadouche and the Scarlet Knights. That's okay, I guess. I can sell pencils on the street corner and shit like that. No worries.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, had RUTGERS......Holy Shit I Suck !!!
