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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Penn State Hate Week, Thursday

A sign of things to come.
Joe Pa drops an oscie in his pants during the second quarter of the 2006 PSU/TOSU epic.
No big. He had no freaking idea what was going on out there anyway.
Hating. PSU. Joe Pa. Jay Pa. Happy Valley. Beaver Stadium. Todd Blackledge.
Just hating.
24. 7.

Commissioner for Life.


  1. At least you have the Vice President of Strategic Engagement to lean on for support you raging whiner. Ohio State is the red part of a baboons ass.
    Really pathetic and sad display by the Commisioner of Weak Sauce.

    I expect more from you.

    1. Never understood your Penn State love, TeeKotex. What gives?
      Liked the "Vice President of Strategic Engagement" barb, though. Not sure what the job descrip is for that.

    2. Family Ties...My father played a season there early 60's which destroyed his knee (back in the knee surgery with chainsaw scar days) when Rip Engel was the HC and JoePa was an assistant. I don't recall him being a huge football fan at all but I grew up a huge Penn State fan. Now you know the TRUTH. I hope you can handle it.

    3. Ah,so. Kung Fu Timmy! reveals the PSU connection.
      Still, Grasshopper must hate on the Nittany.
      It is a law of my universe.
      It cannot be broken.
      You may be reassured though by the knowledge that our LB corps is so depleted that we took our #1 FB ( Zach Boren ) and made him our #1 MLB. And our RB squad is so thin you can see through it.

    4. PSU played like what was left in Jo Pa's pants...TSP
