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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Calling Heismaniacs.

This is John Heisman.
He is wondering where your Heismaniac ballots are.
You can see how pissed off he is.
Let's get with the program people.
You've go until Sunday, October 28.
5 finalists.
In order of finish.
Percent of first place votes for each finalist.
Percentages add up to a hundred.
Winner take all.

IMPORTANT: those BRFLers who already sent in their ballots can change them up until Sunday, the 28th. Owing to circumstances like Geno Smith getting shut down and Collin Klein looking like a man among boys. I will record your last submitted ballot up until midnight, Sunday, October 28th.

Commissioner for Life


  1. Way to minimize confusion, Jughead. Which is it, the 24th or Sunday?

    1. Sunday, which I guess just so happens to be the 28th. Not sure how that happened. Dufusism, maybe? Will edit the post.
      Thanks, Turd.

  2. So it's the 28th then, right?
    The 28th?

    1. Probably just leaving my picks as in....
      not gonna win anyway..
      The Steaming Douchebag

  3. Can't believe you fucked up this contest. Again. So badly. Do you try to be this incompetent? I thought you learned to clear this kinda shit with me before you humiliated yourself with your public defecation.
    How can you look at yourself? I mean, aside from with your vag mirror?

    You know what? I just might not redux my picks just to show how much contempt I have for you and your sorry patheticness. I'm not gay, but right now, I want to pound you so hard in the ass. So hard. In the ass. Ass. Hard.

  4. Don't think I've ever heard Barb this upset. Bearing witness to a life time of fuck-ups must have finally broken her. Chin up, Babs least your other son has his shit together.
