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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ahoy, Bitcheroos!

Week 9 is it? Let 'er rip, Bra.

(2) Oregon  @ Arizona State: DPo's new meets DPo's old. Saturday afternoon Schlang-pull on Rte. 33.
Virginia Tech @ Clemson (14): Timmy! lays some pipe up ClemboSlice's sluiceway.
(9) SowCow @ Florida (3): Cast ye out, Sinner! An anxious world prays for the Ol' Ball Coach.
Little Brother @ Michigan (23): How deep is the hate here? The desperation? Mark D'Antonio serving bath salts by the bucket full as pre-game breakfast. Watch your facemeat, McLovin'!
(18) Texas Tech @ TCU: Commish badly needs a quality win. TTech red hot. Fuck this world I live in.
(4) Kansas State @ WVU (17): Gender warfare along Lake Morraine Drive. Domestic violence hot-line on speed dial. V stands for Vagina, Seannie. It's dominatrix time.
(12) Florida State U @ Miami: Syph too sexy.
Utah @ Oregon State (8). #8, SockRimmer! Slow boat to China, Uterus. A three hanky beatdown.
Minnesota @ Wisconsin. The Paul Bunyan's Axe game. In other words, totally meaningless Big Ten bullshit.
Gophers coach golf-carted off to the hospital with a seizure disorder last week. A sterling example of why you should never wait to start drinking until after 5 PM. Wise up, Jerry Kill!
(22) Stanford @ Cal. THE Game they call it. The Gayness of the West Coast I call it. skHank shitting his pants. Lose to lowly Cal and the AP reams him with a redwood stump the size of a Volkswagon.

Auf Weidersehn, Bitchenhosen!

Commissioner for Life.


  1. Opens his post with a pirate gaucho greeting, pontificates with style on all our games ( my personal fave is " reams him with a redwood the size of a Volkswagon " ), then closes as a storm can we not love and swear allegiance to the Commish for Life?!?!
    Have a good weekend all BRFL faithfull, TSP

    1. Forgot to mention the Bobcats are idle. BroFro glued to the tube hoping we all crash and burn. NO DROP POINT comes his way.

  2. The dapper Ducks played last night and dismantled a highly regarded Arizona State team. After multiple scoregasms in the first half, the quack attack was up 43-7... and were only playing at half speed.

    Fear me, muchachos, for I am not just a good looking hunk of manhood. I gots a stack of Benjamins coming my way courtesy of the addle-minded dolts this league hath wrought.

  3. Replies
    1. Priceless torture for your chosen gridders today. The Dabshow was on TV today and I channeled my victory joy into a tv upgrade. God Bless America
