1:08PM EST October 5. 2012 - Prior to this afternoon, Cardale Jones was just another true freshman taking a redshirt at Ohio State, working as the Buckeyes' third- or fourth-string quarterback while he learns the ins and outs of Urban Meyer's spread offense.
Young Mr. Jones is now a much-chagrined true freshman taking a redshirt at Ohio State. This morning – perhaps due to an early wake-up call for a Friday morning class - Jones hopped onto his Twitter account to question the importance of the "student" aspect of being a student-athlete.
"Why should we have to go to class if we came here to play FOOTBALL, we ain't come to play SCHOOL, classes are POINTLESS"
Well, a safe estimate says that more than 90 percent of football players in the FBS do not go on to play in the NFL. So classes aren't necessarily pointless, if you look at things from this angle.
Anyway: Jones made a faux pas, but I'm sure he learned his lesson. Twitter is no joke. Hit the books. Drink your milk. Study hard. Don't ever, ever schedule classes on Friday morning – or Friday, period.
Big thanks to Deadspin for the screen grab of the Tweet.