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Sunday, December 29, 2019

GG, Semifinals Round

That sucked.

Memphis is plowed under by Penn State, 53 - 39.
LSU carpet bombs Oklahoma, 63 - 28 in a snoozer.
Clemson bests Ohio State 29 - 23. Not going to mention the questionable replay calls.

BroFro; SWEEP! 5 to leap to 72.
DPo; SWEEP! 5 to go to 61.
Q; SWEEP! 5 to go to 59. XX on fire.
CCS; SWEEP! 5 to go to 59, moving up one more spot.
KBron; 2 to go to 54.
Obama; SWEEP! 5 to go to 54. This is her third sweep in a row. If only she'd bet the ranch.
Kitten; SWEEP! 5 to go to 53.
Snottie; 2 to go to 52.
SeannieG; 2 to go to 52.
'BoSuke; 2 to go to 50. Grief counseler arriving at 6.
Ronde'; SWEEP! 5 to go to 49.
McLovin; 1 to go to 48.
SkHank; SWEEP! 5 to go to 47.
SockPuppet; 2 to go to 44.
Timmy!; No entry. Hardened bunker, bottled water and a ton of canned food. 36.

Commissioner for Life


  1. Come on Commish,

    You're better than that aren't you? Gonna blame refs now?

    "Not going to mention" is indeed a mention...
    so I guess I "won't" mention anything either...

    Guess your team didn't get beat or lose the game, huh?

    Guess your coach telling them to make Clemson feel their violence didn't take in to consideration that football is much more than just violence.

    Nice targeting penalty btw hitting my QB
    And the accompanying Chase Young chokehold take down at the same time was clean too, right? Maybe he was probably just feeling proud of his TWO tackles on the day, with ZERO sacks.
    Such a fearsome guy, lol...

    Forgot to list me above too, just sayin'

    Big Hugs and Much Love

  2. Targeting makes football no fun to watch. Everybody knows this. I'm not blaming the refs though I think everybody might agree that video review has become way too much of a thing. It's starting to make watching football feel like watching baseball in that everything takes so long.
    But Clemson was just better. Their defense was too fast and too good. We last that game in the first half when we had to settle for red zone field goals. Also, it looked to me like your left tackle was handling Chase Young on his own much of the time. Impressive. Still almost stole it back at the end if Olave didn't break off his route.
    You suck, BTW.

    1. If football morphs in to baseball, we are all doomed.............

    2. I do, in actuality, SUCK @ GG especially....

  3. Further, Douche, the replay officials often get it wrong. They got the fumble/Jordan Fuller scoop-and-score wrong. The initial call on the field was right. Kind of a game changer. Now I know how Jim Harbaugh felt when the officials gave JT Barrett the first down in OT when it sure looked like the replay official got it wrong and he was short. What goes around comes around.

    1. Gotta give ya that one Bro was a great game, but Ohio State had Clemson early and let their foot off the gas...coulda gone either way, thanks for letting me banter...
