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Sunday, December 15, 2019

GG Army v Navy Results

Army Navy GG Results:

Army 7, Navy 31.

BroFro; 1 to go to 58.
DPo; 1 to go to 49.
Q; 1 to go to 46.
CCS; 1 to go to 45.
KBronie; 1 to go to 44.
Kitten; 0, 42.
'BoSuke; 1 to go to 42.
Snottie; 1 to go to 42.
SeannieG; 1 to go to 41.
McLovin; 0, 39.
Ronde'; 0, 39.
Obama; 1 to go to 39.
SockPuppet; 0, 37.
SkHank; 1 to go to 37.
Timmy!; 0, 36.

Commissioner for Life

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