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Friday, December 27, 2019

GG, UCF Round Results

GG game results from 12/23 and 12/26:

UCF rolls Marshall 48 - 25.
Louisiana Tech takes advantage as Miami leaves their offense home. 14 - 0 the final.
Pitt bests E. Meechy 34 - 30. You may never see another game where the QB leading a desperate end of game drive to win gets ejected for punching two defenders and a ref. Impressive.

BroFro; 2 to go to 62. Slippin'?
DPo; SWEEP! 5 to go to 55.
Q, XX; SWEEP! 5 to go to 53. It's a magical year.
Komronovich; 1 to go to 50. Marshall?
CCS; 2 to go to 49.
Kitten; 2 to go to 46.
'BoSuke; 2 to go to 46.
Snottie; deuce to get to 45.
SeannieG; double tap to get to 45.
Obama; SWEEP! 5 to go to 44. Clawing her way back. Looking for that XX rating.
McLovin; 1 to go to 42. Poor performance. Another Marshall fan.
Ronde'; 2 to go to 42.
SockPuppet; 2 to go to 41.
SkHank; 2 to go to 40.
Timmy!; No entry. El Chapo tunnel complex. Naked and afraid. 36.

Commissioner for Life

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