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Sunday, September 23, 2018

GG Week 4 Results

GG Week 4 Results;

Bullshit runs rampant in GGWorld as Oregon blows a seemingly insurmountable lead and Iowa, hated Iowa, can't deliver at home against Alex TinyCock. Maybe spend less time waving to the ChemoKids and more time coaching 'em up, Curt Ferentz.

BroMageddon, Chapter 1:

Stanford 38 - Oregon 31 in OT. Q, are you fucking shitting me?! How did you blow this game?
Wisconsin 28 - Iowa 17. Another reason to hate Curt Firentz and the Dorkeyes. Fuck. You.
Meechy 56 - 'Braska 10. Conflicted here. Hate 'Braska. Hate Meechy more. Meechy once again proud to beat up on a retard.
Florida State 37 - Northern Illinois 19. I think you hear me knockin', Bitches.
SowCow 37 - Vandy 14. Die, Commodore Sluts. Or are they the Deamon Deacons? Doesn't matter. It's Muschamp-Time again.

KBro': SWEEP. 10 to go to 17. The Leader in the Clubhouse. 'Chyeah.
RandTool: SWEEP. 10 to go from 4 to 14. Sudden respectability, whether we like it or not.
BroFro: 4 to go to 12. Nice pull.
Jimbosuke: 4 to go to 11.
SockPuppet: 4 to go to 11.
CCS: 2 to go to 10. So sad.
DPo: 2 to go to 10. Coming on.
SeannieG: 3 to go to 10. Still a Penis.
Bridgshit. Originally missed her email entry. Picked up 4. Now with 8. "Cutting" off the board for now.
McSuckin: 3 to go to 7. Think long and hard before you give your Commissioner shit again, Mortal.

Commissioner for Life.


  1. What. The FUCK. Are you DOING ON OUR BLOG AGAIN, Pablito?! What is your deal, Non Amigo?! Is it that we didn't give you enough merciless anti-Gaucho shit the last time you poked your head out of your little sheep wagon? Jesus Christ Almighty. Are all Argentinians masochists, like you? As I understand it there are still a lot of Nazis in your country. What the hell is up with that? Keep your eye on those fuckers. They'll kill you and take all your stuff and not even say "sorry". I've seen that movie, Pablimo. BTW, if your donkey dies can you just, like, eat it? Just curious.

  2. Which is not to say that Argentinians are Nazis, Pablissimo. But, more to the point, everybody knows that a lot of Nazis snuck off to Argentina and are probably dead now but maybe, you know, left some little Nazis hanging around. Definitely do NOT trust those fuckers. That would be like trusting Donald Trump which would be a HUGE mistake.

  3. Why would you want a visit from our country, Pablotino? Everybody knows we are trying to turn the whole world into an uninhabitable wasteland of dead cats and nuclear detritus. Do you have, like, a mental illness?
