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Sunday, September 16, 2018

BRFL Week 2 Results

BRFL Week 2 results;

The Commissioner returns from Redneck country and we rejoin first quarter action, first and ten from the 25 yard line.

Boise State beats up on the UConn Huskies, 62-7 the final. Nice bump in the AP earns Kitten 5 on the weekend. In the BRFL lead with 9.
Q Woman with a 62-14 pasting of Portland State. 5 point weekend. Q is in second place with 8. She is Woman. Hear her roar.
SkHank's Cardinal stuffs the Troymen. 17-3, Stanford over USC. Tied for second with 8 after a 3 point weekend.
Randiddle. UCF bludgeons South Carolina State, 38-0. 7 is his BRFL total and he's got a strange compulsion to wear sequined cloaks and pound the piano under candelabra chandeliers.
SockPuppet and the Puppet Master continue to ride a disturbingly strong Mississippi State team with a 31-10 trouncing of Kansas State. Other years this would have been a loss for Q because of her weird Kansas thing. Sock in 4th with 6 BRFL points.
BroFro, Nick Bosa, yo, TOSU with the 52-3 molestation of Buttgers climbs up to 4 BRFL points and that, unbelievably, is good enough for 5th place.
Snottie and South Carolina get sucker punched by Georgia, 41-17 and the Gamecock pick looks not-so-hot all of a sudden. Will Muschamp eats a baby, sets a couple fires, punches a couple old ladies and recalculates season expectations. AP hurts Snottie with the major REAM and now he has 1 point left. Good enough for 6th.

We are averaging one REAM per week, Muchachos.

Clemson sneaks by Texas A&M and it's total bullshit. Dabdo snivels and whines and the AP says, "okay, little bitch, it's okay. It was an SEC team and you were on the road and now you can relax because you don't play anybody for the rest of the season." Disgracefully "earning" 2 points on the weekend, CCS rises to zero and is in a tie for 7th.
What the hell has happened to Arizona? DPo feeling woe. Wildcats absolutely ass-hammered by Houston, 45-18. No points. Stay at zero. 7th.
Alabama writes another payday check and guts Arkansas State 57-7. Wow. Impressive. McLovin picks up 2 and claws his way to minus 1 in the BRFL. 8th place.

KBronie rides the Badger and Wisco nukes New Mexico 45-14. Yawn. AP gives you the neg. No points on the weekend. Minus 2 your total. 9th place.
BridgTurd let's the dawgs out. Huskies dump all over North Dakota, 45-3. North Dakota. Seriously? A negative nod from the AP. You get zero this week. Stay at minus 3. Locked in a tie for 10th with...
Timmy! The Khaki Monster gets it right over in-state rival Western Michigan U, 49-3, at home (of course). AP gives you a little bump. 4 on the weekend. Only minus 3 now. Tied for tenth.

For Jimbosuke it's starting to look grim. Shame Penguin vs. Bruce Pinkernell Pinkie Parer. Florida State pulls out a win over, yes, Samford, thanks to a furious fourth quarter rally. Willie Taggart era looking like it may be a short one. FSU 36- Samford 26 but it was closer than that. I have negative 10 points. I am in 11th place and sucking wind already.

And then there's SeannieG. Almost every one of us probably considered Meechy State. I know I did. They were on my short list. Now, they are imploding. This week they lose to Arizona State 16-13. What the fuck is going on in East Lansing? Are they saving it all to beat Ohio State again? The AP with a rare double digit flushing of Sparty, minus ten. Seannie digs his hole down to minus 13. Bruce Pinkernell calls you "Buddy", Buddy. 12th place.

Kitten 9
Q 8
SkHank 8
Randouche 7
Sock 6
BroFro 4
Snottie 1
CCS 0 
DPo 0
McLovin -1
KBronie -2
BridgTurd -3
Timmy! -3
'BoSuke -10
SeannieG -13

Commissioner for Life