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Sunday, December 3, 2017

GG Conference Championships Week 14 results

GG Week 13 Results;

Oklahoma train-wrecks TCU 41-17.
Georgia downs a beaten up Auburn squad 28 -7.
Ohio State takes down Cheesconsin 27-21.

Seannie gets only 1 to go to 37.
Randude grabs 1 to go to 28.
BroFro gets 2 and has 43.
BoSuke with the SWEEP, adds 5 and leads with 51.
DPo has 2 and totals 41.
Bridgenfraulein hauls in 1 only and has 42.
CCS nabs 2 and goes to 39.
McLovin picks up 1 and is up to 26, which sucks.
KBron reels in 2 to go to 31.
SockPuppet falls off the pace with 2 and has 48.
Snottie with one, has 29.

There is a tie for the Conference Championships Hate Haiku contest.
The tie breaker, open to everyone, will be the Hate Bama Haiku contest. Go get that major award people.

Commissioner for Life


  1. So, by your counting method, I'm tied for 2nd?

    1. Uh...are you talking about the BRFL? These are the GG numbers, Rocketman.

    2. wooosh
      talking about how you calculate gg at the end of the year if you have the second highest point total but three people tie for first, your method of scoring is that you finish 2nd, not 4th.

  2. All hope lost ‘Bama
    Judge Ray Moore scalping tickets
    Clemson rolls the Tide


    1. Love the apocalyptic Moore reference. Check out the original Haiku contest post. Others are still posting there.

  3. CFP sucks SE
    "C" stands for suck each cock Nick
    burn you bitch Anti-Christ
