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Friday, December 15, 2017

College Football Playoffs: BRFL Scenarios

Oh, fuck! McLovin again!?

Take a look at the last BRFL standings, My People.

McLovin and hated Alafuckingbama have 16 points. But he is the only one of us in the playoffs. He is playing Clemson in the first round. That's a seven point win if he dumps Dabo this time. Then he would go on to the national championship game. If he then downs either Oklahoma or Georgia that's 12 points. Do the math. 35 points. Plus whatever no drops and move ups come  his way. If he wins out that is at least 4 more points. So he could end the season with, minimum, 39.

Let's look at his next closest competitors;

DPo and the Domers have 33 and drew LSU in the Citrus. Potential 3 points for the win and some no drop/move up change. I see their ceiling as close to 39. If they win.

Miami and SockPuppet have 27. The Canes play Wisconsin in the Orange Bowl. Wisco is ranked significantly higher than Miami so a win here gives The PuppetMaster 3 points and maybe 4 or 5 move ups and the odd no drop so I see his ceiling at 35 or 36. Good enough to win it all if DPo and McLovin douche out.

Snottie only has 24. Playing the Canes in the Orange. Even with a win he earns maybe 5 or 6 points. Ceiling is around 30 max. If the three stooges above all lose, and really get thumped by the AP, the Snottie could be walking off with the Coveted Commissioner's Cup.

So we all know what has to happen. Alabumma has to go out in the first round. Ideally with a severe spanking by Dabo's ass-grabbing Clown Posse. I can't take the shit I am going to have to listen to from McLovin if he wins this thing two years in a row. Can you imagine?

If we can avoid the McLovin Apocalypse then we have a tight race. If McLovin storms the CheeseHouse and makes off with the whole Natty Cheese Wheel then we have to hope Notre Dame hangs, like, 70 points on LSU.

This is pretty much where we were at this time last year.

I'm very disappointed in you people.

Oh, and by the way, everybody else is totally out of it,

Commissioner for Life


  1. Roll Muderfuggin' TIDE

  2. He could be the Heismaniac for 2017, too. Maybe, maybe not. I'll recheck my cipherin' but it is shaping up to be Bungcheese's year.

  3. Well, at least GG will be someone else, I SUCK AT IT!!
