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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

BRFL Week 10 Results

BRFL Week 10 Results:

DTrain keeps rolling: ND over Wake Forest 48-37. Move up to the AP #3. CFP contention. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop and 2 for the move up. DHole rocks 41 points in the #1 BRFL spot. Show down in Miami looms.

The PuppetMaster; Miami dumps Va. Tech 28 - 10 and puts another blight on the SkHankenfleuger's season. Miami moves up 2 in the Almighty AP and could start thinking CFP if they down the Domers. 4 point weekend with the win  and the no drop. SockPuppet. Smiley Face.  27 BRFL points.

SkHankenfleugel: VTech goes down to the 'Canes. Severely punished by the AP, drop to #17. Minus 4 on the weekend. You also have 19. Back with the Liberace hitting him in the seat.

Snottie: Wisco with the 45-17 pasting of Indiana. You were thinking of a nice move up weren't you? NOT SO FAST, MY FRIEND. The AP has other ideas for you. Seems they have noticed your "strength of schedule" so they dock you two for pushing around lowly Indiana. 1 for the win, minus 2 on the dump, minus 1 on the weekend. Wisco is #6 and Snottie has 18 BRFL.

Wait. What?! ClemboSlice is in the #4 position in the BRFL with 15 points? It's true. Wash U thumps Oregon 38-3 and gets a 4 point boost from the AP into the top 10 again at #9. 5 point weekend. If  only he were paying attention think how great he would feel. ClemBo has never seen #4 before.

McLovin. Alabama continues to cruise through a laughable schedule. This week it's rudderless LSU that gets the treatment, "only" losing 24-10. Another cheesy 2 point weekend for McCheese and now he is up to 14 in the BRFL.

Kitten: USF 37-20 over Connecticut and somehow that impresses the hell out of the AP. It's DIDDLE, DIDDLE, DIDDLE time for the Kitten, which is 5, plus he lands at #22, 3 more, and 1 for the win. 9 point weekend. #22 AP, 10 points BRFL.

BroFro; Boise State lays the wood to the Lobos, 41-14 over Nevada. One point weekend. Unranked but with 7 in the BRFL.
RandenSchtanken; Utah 48-17 over poor hapless UCLA. One point. Spooning with BroFro at 7 in the BRFL.

SeannieG.:True story: Meechy State linebacker Chris Frey was covering SuckOne Barkley this weekend on a random play when Barkley told him that Ohio State was losing big to Iowa. "We're playing for a Championship right now", said SuckOne. Then promptly got dumped by Sparty on a last second FG, PSU losing 27-24. The AP gets the sharp knife out. Penn State tumbles 9 spots to #16 AP. Seannie with 4 points in the BRFL.

Timmy! Meechy clobbers Minnesota 33-10 and takes home the Little Brown Jug. At home. Somehow, some way the AP thinks this is noteworthy and DIDDLE! DIDDLE! DIDDLE! all the way home for the Bonnenflaufer. Lands at #21 AP, that's 4. 5 for the DIDDLE. 1 for the win. Ten. Point. Weekend. Erases a nasty deficit and Teeba has 1 BRFL point.

Bridgenfraulein The Troymen 49, Arizona 35. Rich Rod disappoints but USC has a big weekend. AP shows love with a move up 2 to #15, 2 more for the win and no drop. 4 pointer and KillerBee racks up 1 point net in the BRFL. Out of the darkness.

The Commissioner: Iowa hangs 55 on Ohio State. 55-24 in Kinnick Stadium. Total destruction. Right now Ohio State can make anybody look good. AP merciless. Drops the Bucks 8 to number 11 AP. Wipes out BoSuke's hard earned gains. Zero in the BRFL and Meechy State up next. BoSuke on suicide watch,

Dino's reaction when he heard the spread was - 16 TOSU

Q: KSU downs Texas Tech 42-35. A win is a win. One point. You have minus 3 BRFL.

Chipenhausen. Stanford continues its losing ways and drops one to much-hated Washington State, 24-21. The pain is extreme. The AP delivers the REAM. A tumble from 18, that's minus 7. A heartless REAMING that's minus 5 more. Negative 12 on the weekend. You now have minus 6.

KBron: It's interim coach time in Gainesville and the losses keep coming. This time carved up by Missouri 45-16. What would it be like to have an offense? What would it be like to have hope? To not  know you were going to lose as soon as the other team crests the 20 point mark? Sadness is your lot. Stay at minus 8. Practice mindfulness.

Commissioner for Life

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