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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

BRFL Week 9 Results

BRFL Week 9: The Hubris of James Franklin

DPo: Notre Dame crushes upstart NC State 35-14. Josh Adams in the Heisman conversation. ND is #5 in the AP and knock, knock, knockin' on the CFP door. Purple Face Brian Kelley: the stuff of dreams. Beatch. 37 on the season for the 'Po.

Puppet Master: Sneaks by lowly North Carolina 24-10. Still, a road win in conference is nothing to sneeze at. AP says 'gesundheit' though and drops the 'Canes one. Washout weekend for the Sock. Naught. You still have 22. Chyeah.

And then there is the SkHank. 24-3 over Basketball School Duke. No love from the AP. 2 point weekend. The Rockefellah SkHank stays at 23. Lock-up with the love-muffin Puppet Meister.

Snottie; The Badgers are turning some heads. Johnson HornyCock drops Illinois 24-10 (this is a big deal?) and the Cheese-Sticks log a 3 point weekend to go to 19 BRFL, #4 AP. Think about how crazy that is. Wisconsin is #4 in the AP poll and they have played, basically, nobody. 

Seannie: Penn State enjoys 3 quarters in Columbus feasting off Ohio State's appetite for self-destruction. Then the roof caves in as Joe Thomas Barrett, IV ruins your season, you sons-of-bitches. And the Shittany Lions go down 39-38. AP dumps your sorry asses 5 points and you sit at #7 AP, #13 BRFL. Maybe good enough for the Liberace if you're lucky. 

McLovin'. Bye week for much-hated Bama'. LSU up next. I must admit I hope you lose. You have a tedious coach presiding over a sub-par conference. Burn in hell-fire, Dog. You pick up 1 on the bye. Total 12 BRFL. Choke on them. Beatch.

Who's this "ClemboSlice" I keep hearing about? The legend of the Phantom BRFLer. He might be happy to know his Huskies dumped lowly UCLA 44 to 23. I think they only threw, like, 5 passes. They either have a ton of confidence in their running game or none in their passing game. You make the call, 'Slice, if you can sober up long enough to find the blog. I'm concerned. But not that much.
You have one for the win, one for the no-drop, totie ten, BRFL, #12, AP.

Jimbosuke; Well, looky here. THE Ohio State University, given up for dead a few short months ago, puts up a game for the ages and vanquishes much hated Penn State in the Shoe. 39-38 and his name is Joe Thomas Barrett, IV. Never take sides against him again, Fredo. Ever. 
Men of the Scarlet and Gray!
The Commissioner for Life hauls in 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, 3 for the move up to #3 in the AP. 5 point weekend breathes life into the Lost Season of 'Bosuke. I have 8 points in the Blacks Road Football League.

BroFro: Boise State whallops Utah State 41-14. 1 point weekend. But the Bro' is sitting sort of pretty at unranked in the AP but 6 points in the BRFL. And Bowl eligible, I do believe.

But wait. There's more. CCS is BroFro's ButtBuddy. The Cardinal, sans Bryce Love, holds on to vanquish Oregon State on the road. This time of year a conference road win means a lot to the Almighty AP. Stanny moves up 2 in the AP. 4 point weekend for Chip n' Dale. 6 BRFL points.

Come to think of it, there's a regular sausage-fest at 6 points in the BRFL. Randongle pitches a no-hitter this weekend by getting crushed by Oregon 41-20. Naught. Stay at 6. This is not the "three-way" of your dreams, Randog.

Kitten: Disaster strikes. KC, we tried to warn you. USF drops a game to Houston 28-24. The AP is typically merciless. Screaming, panicked plunge from the #17 to clear out of the AP Poll. That's minus 8, Hombre'. Then the Ream, another minus 5, Muchacho. That's minus 13 on the weekend. leaving you with a paltry positive 1 in the BRFL, Brojito. That's a major ouchie. 

And now into the NetherWorld of Negative Territory...

Killer B, consider yourself lucky. USC curb-stomps the SunDevils 48-17. 4 point move up in the AP, 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop. Big 6 pointer on the weekend. You're not dead yet. Minus 3 in the BRFL. 

Q-woman; Kansas State bitch-slaps Kansas 30-20 in what I guess is a rivalry game. No love from the AP. You pick up one to go to minus 4 in the BRFL. You need an upset, like, yesterday.

KBron; Remember that tangential conversation at the payout about compensating a hapless BRFLer if their coach gets shit-canned midway through the season? Oh, if we had all been more sober and followed through with that initiative. You  might still have hope. In much the same way as a starving, dehydrated ship-wrecked sailor in a raft has hope when he catches a tiny fish and eats it raw, more for the fluid than anything else. Alas, nobody signed anything when we talked about that potential rule change and you remain totally screwed, with an interim coach, and another loss, 42-7 at the hands of the Georgia Bulldogs. Minus 8 is your fate.

The Bucks sent a message to James Franklin

And then there was Teebs. Remember when Teeblations was riding high, with big $$$ signs in his eyes? No more. Meechy is on their third QB. I think this one is a true freshman. They have a giant erection over beating....Rutgers. The AP does not share your penile tumescence. Naught. One for the win. You rest at minus 9 and dead last in the BRFL. Yet... still... TOSU is #3 and they must meet the Evil Wolverine Conspiracy in Ann Arbor. It ain't over 'til it's over.

Commissioner for Life.


  1. Me thinks Ima Gonna Run the Table

  2. I can't believe nobody has complimented me on my season so far. I mean. I'm scoring some serious cheddar here. Oh well, I guess you can heap praise upon me at the Lacavapalooza.
