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Monday, October 23, 2017

BRFL Week 8 Results, 2nd Edition

BRFL Week 8 Results;

DPo and Bridshit; Notre Dame 49, USC 14. Sam Darnold tosses his 10th INT on the season and loses a fumble. Golden Domers run rough-shod over the Men of Troy. And still the AP won't hand the Trojans the Ream they deserve. Odd.
In Drewpie land it's 1 for the win, 1 for the no-drop and 4 for the move up to #9 AP. Say hello to 31 BRFL points. The 'Po is getting separation.
In KillerBee Hive it's an ear-popping nose dive in the Almighty AP Poll. 10 points down from #11 to #21. Your next loss will get you the Ream. USC minus 9 on the season.

SockPuppet; Miami tested by the 'Cuse, 27-19 at home. Who thought we would ever read about anybody being tested by Syracuse in our lifetime? 2 point weekend for Sock as he stays at AP #8,
22 BRFL.

SkHank: Va. Tech bitch-slaps the Tar Heels 59 -7. 3 point weekend as the Orifice of Oriole Road rides the Hokies to 21 BRFL points and at least a temporary lip-lock on the Liberace.

I think James Franklin is a three-alarm asshole.
Some of it has to do with his micro-beard but a lot of it has to do with his cutesy interview bullshit. Like the time he equated beating Pitt 33-14 at home with beating up on the Akron Zips in a payday game. (Pitt is 3 and 5).
And now this little gem after the whupping he laid on Meechy. Fucking Penn State. So much to hate.
Ima gonna' say it. I am. I hate James Franklin a truckload more than I hate Jim Harbaugh, whom, actually, I do not hate. For example, just on the whole eye-glasses platform; Franklin, douchey 1970s "no-rims" that, combined with the mini man-bush dusting the first of his two chins, look ridiculous.

Now look at Harbaugh.

Respect the glasses, Bitches.

Big, beefy bows setting off the Woody Hayes horn-rimmed motif. That's a Man wearing glasses not a foo-foo pair of glasses wearing a man. Shit. Go ahead and hit those Harbaugh bows with a 5 pound hammer. Go on. Do it. That hammer will bounce off and then Harbaugh will beat you into something that looks like a pizza after a dog ate it and then puked it up. He'll do that using his head. Without taking his glasses off.
Fuck you, James Franklin.

Seannie G; PSU 42, Meechy 13, James Franklin acting girlish the whole time. Mega-gay White-Out in ShootMyBeaver Stadium. Sickening. Penn Hate picks up 2 on the weekend and stays at #2 AP. Seannie with 18 BRFL.

Snottie; At one point the Snott was worried about this pick. Wisco truck-drags Maryland 35-13 in
Madison to stay undefeated. Like a Boss. 2 point weekend. #5 AP, 16 BRFL.

Kitten; South Florida almost blows a 20 point lead against Tulane on the road and the AP is not amused. Drops you to #17 AP. The weekend is a wash for you CatBoy and you stay at 14 BRFL.

McLovin; Another SEC ritual sacrifice to Satan. Alabama 45, Vols 7. How does Butch Jones still have a job? Bama is still #1. 2 point weekend and McLovin noses into double figures with 11 BRFL.

ClemboSlice; Wash U with the bye week. AP holds off on the hate and keeps the Huskies at #12. 8 points in the BRFL. Nothing special.

Randink: 30-10 ass-whipping at the hands of the suddenly-somebody SunDevils, at home, in Salt Lake City. Not a good look. Zero on the weekend. 6 BRFL points.

BroFro: Gets the Mountain West win. Boise State Broncos 24, Wyoming Cowboys 14. 1 point as he digs himself out of the hole. 5 points BRFL. Unranked AP.

'BoSuke: Ohio State with the bye week. The Men of the Scarlet and Gray stay at #6 AP. The Commissioner with 3 BRFL points after a one point weekend.

CCS: The Cardinal moves up 2 on the bye week to AP #20. One for the no drop. 2 points in the BRFL never looked so good.

Q; Kansas State throws a big ol' scare into Oklahoma. Not enough. The Wildcats lose 42-35 on a last second mega-run. Q stays down at minus 5 BRFL, unranked in the AP.

KBron; How bad are things in the BRFL for My People? This sorry Bronie was at the bottom of the heap. He had a bye week. no points. Minus 8 BRFL. Unranked AP. His coach is on suicide watch. could be worse. Let me show you how.

USC and KillerBee is minus 9. We already talked about this. That's worse than KBron.

But look at poor Timmy! The ass-whoop by PSU. Again, we've already been over this. But, Teebs was once in the thick of the action. Now he is dead last in the BRFL, Minus 6 on the power dive from #19 to unranked in the AP. The BRFL piles on with minus 5 for the REAM. That's minus 11 on the weekend. When the dust settles, Teeblations is at minus 10.

It's all so horrible.

Commissioner for Life


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can you believe how awesome I am doing? And with Clem's pick from last year! I wonder how he feels about that... Probably pretty bad. Well, at least the rest of you are happy for me. I can't wait to hoist the Commissioner's Cup and look down upon all your adoring faces at the payout party. Isn't the BRFL grand

  3. i'm digging the Commish's man-boy lust for one Jim motherfuckin' Harbaugh.

  4. Hey DPunk...
    Please do the following (in the order listed)
    1. Eat shit
    2. Die

  5. Hurtful words, K-Y. How's that homer Florida pick working for you? I think it is awesome. Not only are you getting ass reamed by the BRFL but your favorite team sucks ass. That is delicious, bro, delicious.

  6. Wait, WTF...?
    DPoop is still alive?
    It's obvious he didn't get high marks in preschool for "follows directions well".
    I'll be kind and give him partial credit for that shit eating grin he wears walking around town.
