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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

BRFL Week 9 Results

BRFL Week 9: The Hubris of James Franklin

DPo: Notre Dame crushes upstart NC State 35-14. Josh Adams in the Heisman conversation. ND is #5 in the AP and knock, knock, knockin' on the CFP door. Purple Face Brian Kelley: the stuff of dreams. Beatch. 37 on the season for the 'Po.

Puppet Master: Sneaks by lowly North Carolina 24-10. Still, a road win in conference is nothing to sneeze at. AP says 'gesundheit' though and drops the 'Canes one. Washout weekend for the Sock. Naught. You still have 22. Chyeah.

And then there is the SkHank. 24-3 over Basketball School Duke. No love from the AP. 2 point weekend. The Rockefellah SkHank stays at 23. Lock-up with the love-muffin Puppet Meister.

Snottie; The Badgers are turning some heads. Johnson HornyCock drops Illinois 24-10 (this is a big deal?) and the Cheese-Sticks log a 3 point weekend to go to 19 BRFL, #4 AP. Think about how crazy that is. Wisconsin is #4 in the AP poll and they have played, basically, nobody. 

Seannie: Penn State enjoys 3 quarters in Columbus feasting off Ohio State's appetite for self-destruction. Then the roof caves in as Joe Thomas Barrett, IV ruins your season, you sons-of-bitches. And the Shittany Lions go down 39-38. AP dumps your sorry asses 5 points and you sit at #7 AP, #13 BRFL. Maybe good enough for the Liberace if you're lucky. 

McLovin'. Bye week for much-hated Bama'. LSU up next. I must admit I hope you lose. You have a tedious coach presiding over a sub-par conference. Burn in hell-fire, Dog. You pick up 1 on the bye. Total 12 BRFL. Choke on them. Beatch.

Who's this "ClemboSlice" I keep hearing about? The legend of the Phantom BRFLer. He might be happy to know his Huskies dumped lowly UCLA 44 to 23. I think they only threw, like, 5 passes. They either have a ton of confidence in their running game or none in their passing game. You make the call, 'Slice, if you can sober up long enough to find the blog. I'm concerned. But not that much.
You have one for the win, one for the no-drop, totie ten, BRFL, #12, AP.

Jimbosuke; Well, looky here. THE Ohio State University, given up for dead a few short months ago, puts up a game for the ages and vanquishes much hated Penn State in the Shoe. 39-38 and his name is Joe Thomas Barrett, IV. Never take sides against him again, Fredo. Ever. 
Men of the Scarlet and Gray!
The Commissioner for Life hauls in 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, 3 for the move up to #3 in the AP. 5 point weekend breathes life into the Lost Season of 'Bosuke. I have 8 points in the Blacks Road Football League.

BroFro: Boise State whallops Utah State 41-14. 1 point weekend. But the Bro' is sitting sort of pretty at unranked in the AP but 6 points in the BRFL. And Bowl eligible, I do believe.

But wait. There's more. CCS is BroFro's ButtBuddy. The Cardinal, sans Bryce Love, holds on to vanquish Oregon State on the road. This time of year a conference road win means a lot to the Almighty AP. Stanny moves up 2 in the AP. 4 point weekend for Chip n' Dale. 6 BRFL points.

Come to think of it, there's a regular sausage-fest at 6 points in the BRFL. Randongle pitches a no-hitter this weekend by getting crushed by Oregon 41-20. Naught. Stay at 6. This is not the "three-way" of your dreams, Randog.

Kitten: Disaster strikes. KC, we tried to warn you. USF drops a game to Houston 28-24. The AP is typically merciless. Screaming, panicked plunge from the #17 to clear out of the AP Poll. That's minus 8, Hombre'. Then the Ream, another minus 5, Muchacho. That's minus 13 on the weekend. leaving you with a paltry positive 1 in the BRFL, Brojito. That's a major ouchie. 

And now into the NetherWorld of Negative Territory...

Killer B, consider yourself lucky. USC curb-stomps the SunDevils 48-17. 4 point move up in the AP, 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop. Big 6 pointer on the weekend. You're not dead yet. Minus 3 in the BRFL. 

Q-woman; Kansas State bitch-slaps Kansas 30-20 in what I guess is a rivalry game. No love from the AP. You pick up one to go to minus 4 in the BRFL. You need an upset, like, yesterday.

KBron; Remember that tangential conversation at the payout about compensating a hapless BRFLer if their coach gets shit-canned midway through the season? Oh, if we had all been more sober and followed through with that initiative. You  might still have hope. In much the same way as a starving, dehydrated ship-wrecked sailor in a raft has hope when he catches a tiny fish and eats it raw, more for the fluid than anything else. Alas, nobody signed anything when we talked about that potential rule change and you remain totally screwed, with an interim coach, and another loss, 42-7 at the hands of the Georgia Bulldogs. Minus 8 is your fate.

The Bucks sent a message to James Franklin

And then there was Teebs. Remember when Teeblations was riding high, with big $$$ signs in his eyes? No more. Meechy is on their third QB. I think this one is a true freshman. They have a giant erection over beating....Rutgers. The AP does not share your penile tumescence. Naught. One for the win. You rest at minus 9 and dead last in the BRFL. Yet... still... TOSU is #3 and they must meet the Evil Wolverine Conspiracy in Ann Arbor. It ain't over 'til it's over.

Commissioner for Life.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Heismaniac 24 hour Warning: Prepare to Fail

Just the way I likes 'em: Limber and concussed.

Heads up on your Heismaniac picks...They due tomorrow. Post your picks on the Heismaniac 3.0 rules page a few click back. 

GG Week 10 Games

GG Week 10 Games:

Oklahoma(#8) @ Oklahoma State (#11) in this year's edition of "Bedlam".
Baker Gayfield vs The Mullet
4 PM on FS1

Virginia Tech (#13) @ Miami (#9)
SkHanky vs the Puppet Master

Arizona (#23) @ USC (#17)
10:45 ESPN
Rich Rod vs Sammy the Interception Machine

Roll the bones,

Commissioner for Life

GG Week 9 Results

GG Week 9 Results:

Ohio State 39, PSU 38 in the comeback.
Notre Dame 35 running wild over NC State 14.
Oklahoma State crushes WVU 50-14.

Seannie with 2 to go to 21.
Randy with 2 to go to 16
BroFro with the SWEEP, 5 to take it to 27.
DPo with 1 (ONE) to go to 24.
BridgLit with the SWEEP, 5 to go to 26.
CCS with the SWEEP, 5 to climb to 24.
McLovin with the SWEEP, 5 to jump to 15.
KBron with the zero. Don't see a goose-egg often in GG. Has 11.
SockPuppet with 1 to go to 21.
Snottie with the SWEEP, 5 to go to 16.

Commissioner for Life

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Heismaniac 3.0 - The Kick to the Jewels Edition

“It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Fuck you, Teddy Roosevelt, and the horse you rode in on. The Rough Rider never played in the BRFL and he sure as shit didn't play Heismaniac. Here you get no credit for stumbling and getting back up. You don't earn no respect for erring in the ring of battle, your shortcomings will be exploited and mocked. Most of you will whine and say you don't understand the rules of Heismaniac. You don't want in on Heismaniac cuz, quite frankly, you just ain't got the stones for it. But here's the deal, the Commish is going to take your entry fee whether you plays or you don't plays. So strive valiantly, fucktards, this shit is on, it just got real, and it is lit.

Read the rules below, especially #6. Not sure why I bother mentioning it since you jackwagons are going to fuck it up anyway. Pick 3 dudes, 3 positions, 3 conferences. Your conference pick does not need to match your player's conference, you dig? Example: We are all picking Sasquatch Barkley as #1, but I'm hedging my bet and saying First Place: Barkley, RB, SEC. See what I did there? Yeah, blew your minds. Barkley is NOT in the SEC but just in case he doesn't win, I picked a different conference and maybe I pick up some points for doing that. Maybe not. I can do the same thing with the position. It's called strategery, you dopes. 

Your Heismaniac 3.0: The Kick to the Jewels Ballot Form:

20 pts



Image result for kicks in the groin

#1. Pick the Conference the Heisman winner, runner up and third place dude come from.
Points: Picking the conference spot correctly gets you 5 points for third place, double points for second, triple points for first.
Example: I picked the Heisman winner comes from the B1G conference. If
he does, I get 15 points (5 for getting the conference and triple points for first place= 15 points).
Say I wiff on the first and second place finishers but the 3rd place winner is from
the SEC (even if it isn't Musberger). I get 5 pts x1 (for third place).

#2 Pick the Position of the winner/finalists
Same dillio. Maybe you only get the QB in 2nd place. 20 points.

#3 Pick the Playa. Get the winner right, 60 points!

#4. Most points wins. You can get player wrong and still get points for the position
or conference.
#5. Assuming 10 participants, payout is $60, $30, $10.
#6. As with all BRFL functions, an overriding concern is when you douches get "cute". We need to prevent your attempts at block voting, i.e. filling your ballot with all the same guy, same position
and same conference. Each "player" spot must be a different name; no conference can appear more than twice on your ballot and no more than two of the same positions can appear on your ballot.

#7. As a BONUS, give me a list of 7 dudes that are getting named on ballots. Put them in order and I will start randomly awarding points - small points but valuable nonetheless since this may be a tie breaker. I decided it will be 2 points for every guy you get right who ends up in the top 7. Then 3 points for every guy you get in the right place.) Or it may be a backdoor way of me winning the whole thing. You will never know. That's the game of it.

Monday, October 23, 2017

BRFL Week 8 Results, 2nd Edition

BRFL Week 8 Results;

DPo and Bridshit; Notre Dame 49, USC 14. Sam Darnold tosses his 10th INT on the season and loses a fumble. Golden Domers run rough-shod over the Men of Troy. And still the AP won't hand the Trojans the Ream they deserve. Odd.
In Drewpie land it's 1 for the win, 1 for the no-drop and 4 for the move up to #9 AP. Say hello to 31 BRFL points. The 'Po is getting separation.
In KillerBee Hive it's an ear-popping nose dive in the Almighty AP Poll. 10 points down from #11 to #21. Your next loss will get you the Ream. USC minus 9 on the season.

SockPuppet; Miami tested by the 'Cuse, 27-19 at home. Who thought we would ever read about anybody being tested by Syracuse in our lifetime? 2 point weekend for Sock as he stays at AP #8,
22 BRFL.

SkHank: Va. Tech bitch-slaps the Tar Heels 59 -7. 3 point weekend as the Orifice of Oriole Road rides the Hokies to 21 BRFL points and at least a temporary lip-lock on the Liberace.

I think James Franklin is a three-alarm asshole.
Some of it has to do with his micro-beard but a lot of it has to do with his cutesy interview bullshit. Like the time he equated beating Pitt 33-14 at home with beating up on the Akron Zips in a payday game. (Pitt is 3 and 5).
And now this little gem after the whupping he laid on Meechy. Fucking Penn State. So much to hate.
Ima gonna' say it. I am. I hate James Franklin a truckload more than I hate Jim Harbaugh, whom, actually, I do not hate. For example, just on the whole eye-glasses platform; Franklin, douchey 1970s "no-rims" that, combined with the mini man-bush dusting the first of his two chins, look ridiculous.

Now look at Harbaugh.

Respect the glasses, Bitches.

Big, beefy bows setting off the Woody Hayes horn-rimmed motif. That's a Man wearing glasses not a foo-foo pair of glasses wearing a man. Shit. Go ahead and hit those Harbaugh bows with a 5 pound hammer. Go on. Do it. That hammer will bounce off and then Harbaugh will beat you into something that looks like a pizza after a dog ate it and then puked it up. He'll do that using his head. Without taking his glasses off.
Fuck you, James Franklin.

Seannie G; PSU 42, Meechy 13, James Franklin acting girlish the whole time. Mega-gay White-Out in ShootMyBeaver Stadium. Sickening. Penn Hate picks up 2 on the weekend and stays at #2 AP. Seannie with 18 BRFL.

Snottie; At one point the Snott was worried about this pick. Wisco truck-drags Maryland 35-13 in
Madison to stay undefeated. Like a Boss. 2 point weekend. #5 AP, 16 BRFL.

Kitten; South Florida almost blows a 20 point lead against Tulane on the road and the AP is not amused. Drops you to #17 AP. The weekend is a wash for you CatBoy and you stay at 14 BRFL.

McLovin; Another SEC ritual sacrifice to Satan. Alabama 45, Vols 7. How does Butch Jones still have a job? Bama is still #1. 2 point weekend and McLovin noses into double figures with 11 BRFL.

ClemboSlice; Wash U with the bye week. AP holds off on the hate and keeps the Huskies at #12. 8 points in the BRFL. Nothing special.

Randink: 30-10 ass-whipping at the hands of the suddenly-somebody SunDevils, at home, in Salt Lake City. Not a good look. Zero on the weekend. 6 BRFL points.

BroFro: Gets the Mountain West win. Boise State Broncos 24, Wyoming Cowboys 14. 1 point as he digs himself out of the hole. 5 points BRFL. Unranked AP.

'BoSuke: Ohio State with the bye week. The Men of the Scarlet and Gray stay at #6 AP. The Commissioner with 3 BRFL points after a one point weekend.

CCS: The Cardinal moves up 2 on the bye week to AP #20. One for the no drop. 2 points in the BRFL never looked so good.

Q; Kansas State throws a big ol' scare into Oklahoma. Not enough. The Wildcats lose 42-35 on a last second mega-run. Q stays down at minus 5 BRFL, unranked in the AP.

KBron; How bad are things in the BRFL for My People? This sorry Bronie was at the bottom of the heap. He had a bye week. no points. Minus 8 BRFL. Unranked AP. His coach is on suicide watch. could be worse. Let me show you how.

USC and KillerBee is minus 9. We already talked about this. That's worse than KBron.

But look at poor Timmy! The ass-whoop by PSU. Again, we've already been over this. But, Teebs was once in the thick of the action. Now he is dead last in the BRFL, Minus 6 on the power dive from #19 to unranked in the AP. The BRFL piles on with minus 5 for the REAM. That's minus 11 on the weekend. When the dust settles, Teeblations is at minus 10.

It's all so horrible.

Commissioner for Life

Sunday, October 22, 2017

GG Week 9 Games

GG Week 9:


(#11) Oklahoma State @ West Virginia U (#22), in Morgantown.
12 PM, ABC

(#2) Penn State @ Ohio State (#6), in Columbus.
3:30 PM, FOX

(#14) NC State @ Notre Dame (#9), in South Bend.
3:30 PM, NBC

Roll the bones,

Commissioner for Life

For Week 8 results, see Week 8 Games post.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

It's Coming! Heismaniac 3.0

Gird your loins, brothers and sisters. The least popular and most confusing contest  draws nigh. We're talkin' Heismaniac 3.0. Ballot grid will be posted next week and ballots due on Halloween, that day when 3/4 of the BRFL dresses up as French maids.Think you got this one? You don't got shit.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Realest Coach Ever

This just in from KBron, the Realest Coach Ever. If you never open another blog link, this is the one you should definitely check out. Beautiful.

Commissioner for Life

Monday, October 16, 2017

BRFL Week 7 Results

BRFL Week 7 Results;

DPo: The Golden Domers have the week off. Suck-up AP moves them up three spots (of course) to #13. Plus the no drop. 4 point weekend. DPo with 25. He is the One Who Knocks.

SockPuppet: 25-24 in a thriller over G. Tech. Has Sock ever won this thing? Time to start considering your reaction to that unlikely scenario. The Puppet has 21 after a 5 point weekend and he is #8 in the AP.

SkHank: This fucker. V Tech and their lunch-pail bullshit have the weekend off and still pull down 2 to move him up to 18. You deserve the Liberace, even though you're not reading this, SkHank. #14 AP.

SeannieG: PennState BoyToolers take the weekend off. Clemson douches so PSfuckU moves up 1. 2 point weekend. 16 for the assholes from Pennsylvania. #2 in the AP.

Kitten: USF with the out-behind-the-woodshed treatment of lowly Cincinnati, 33-3. Move up in the AP to #16. 4 point weekend. 14 points.
Wisco survives Purdue. 17- 9 in Madison. Nice that Purdue is done sucking. Due to upstream carnage, the ButtBadgers move up 2 in the AP to #5 in the Land. Are you shitting me? Suck, suck and suck again, Snottie. 14 BRFL points to hang with your cuddle-Kitten.

McLovin: Alabama 41, Arkansas 9. Hard to feel bad about Bert Bielema getting bent over by anyone. Anyone but the fucking Tide. Fuck you, McLovin'. #1 AP, 9 points BRFL.

ClemboSlice: Wash U and The Douche in the Desert. BRFL dreams go up on smoke for the DutchBoy as the lowly Sun Devils bake the Dawgs 13-7 in Tempe. The AP is not amused. Crash dive from #5 to #12. Minus 7 on the weekend, Hans Brinker. You're down to 7 and on the road to nowhere. How the fuck do you blow a game like this?

BroFro: 31-14 over San Diego State in a battle of unranked, irrelevant teams. Good game. You have 4.

Jimbosuke: Ohio State dismantles Nebraska 56-14 in Lincoln. The CornHolers have a long way to go. Bye week coming up. AP sets the Bucks at #6. 5 point weekend. Out of the darkness and into the light. 2 points in the BRFL for the Commissioner.

Teeblations; So sad that a defense so INCREDIBLY AWESOME is saddled with such an inept offense. 27-20 over Indiana in Bloomington, in overtime. Hey, the Bucks struggled with Indiana, but our defense sucked then. What's Meechy's excuse? Looking at you, Timmy! 1 BRFL point and you fall to #19 in the AP.
Bridshit: The Men of Troy prevail over unranked Utah 28-27 and...and... the AP moves them up 2 for that? What the hell? You're #11 in the AP and have 1 point in the BRFL. Congratulations. Your cries of joy are Randy's hankies of tears. Utah loses and puts up 0 in the BRFL this weekend. Still unranked. Still with 6. Utes taking on water at mid-season.

CCS: The Cardinal ass-whips the Beavers in Palo Alto, 49 - 7 and the AP gives you 1 on the move up. It's negative 1 for you in the BRFL.

Q: TCU pounds the shit out of KState in Manhattan, 26 - 6. You need to knock off Oklahoma this weekend and get back in this thing. All is not lost. Baker Mayfield has a sore throwing shoulder. You, on the other hand, are unranked and have minus 5 in the BRFL.

KBron: For God's sake, make the pain stop. TAMU 19, Florida 17, at HOME in Gainesville. Jim McElwain death watch begins. You have minus 8 in the BRFL.

We close with a shot of the eerie glow of the rent-a-lights over CCS from the blocking cage on the varsity practice field as the Commissioner climbs into the car after Cooperstown's 40 - 14 shit-stomping of previously unbeaten conference bully South Lewis.

Commissioner for Life

Sunday, October 15, 2017

GG Week 8 Games

(For GG Week 7 results go back to that post.)

GG Week 8:

Oklahoma State (#10) @ Texas Longhorns. 12 PM, ABC
13-10, Oklahoma State.

Meechy (#19) @ Penn State (#2) in Happy Valley. 7:30 PM, ABC.
42-13 ass-beat, PSU.

USC (#11) @ Notre Dame (#13) in South Bend. 7:30 PM NBC.
49-14 drubbing, Notre Dame. Unhappy Sammy.

Let's see what you've got.

Commissioner for Life

GG Week 8 Results:

Seannie "Poofmeister" G: 2 to go to 19. Whiffed on the USC game.
Randilatio: SWEEP. 5 to go to 14.
BroFrolic: SWEEP. 5 to go to 22.
'Bosuke: SWEEP. 5 to go to 26.
DPong: SWEEP. 5 to got to 23. Nipping.
Bridshit; 2 to go to 21. Slipping.
CCS: SWEEP. 5 to go to 19.
McSuckin: 1 to go to 10. God.
KBron: 2 to go to 11.
SockPuppet: SWEEP. 5 to go yo 20.
Snottie: SWEEP. 5 to go to 11.

Commissioner for Life.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

BRFL Week 6 Results

BRFL Week 6:

DPo: Golden Domers 33, on the road, vs. North Carolina 10. This time it's for real, Catholics.
The 'Po takes the cheese and steps to the #1 spot in the BRFL. Had 14. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, massive 5 point move up from the AP to #16, DeepOh first to break the 20 point barrier with 21.

SockPuppy: Miami 24 @ Florida State 20, in Tallahassee. Admit it, you thought about picking Florida State this year, BRFLer. Don't lie. Jimbo Fisher in special hell. The Sock had 12, picked up 4 with the move to #11 AP and now sits at 16. Strong pull.
You're not alone, ButtBuddy. SkHank and the Virginia Tech Hokies get back in it. V Tech 23 over Boston College 10 at wherever the fuck Boston College plays. Had 13, picks up 3, 16 total. SkankyBoot going down swinging.

SeannieG: Penn State with the win at Northwestern, 31-7. Saquon Barkley Heisman Train keep a rollin'. You can contain him, you just can't stop him. 3 point weekend as the Shitanny Lions move up to #3 AP. Total 14.
ClemboSlice: Wash U. visits Cal and opens up a can of whoop-ass in Berkeley, 38 - 7. Harder and harder to keep Wash U out of "the big conversation". 3 pointer for the Clam as the Huskies move up to #5. Face off at center ice with SeaBalls for the Liberace.

Kitten: USFlorida with the Bye. Second helping Lil' Friskies. No game, no problem. Still pick up that essential no drop point. Up to 10 for the MeowMixer.
Kitten has a "special friend" and his name is Snottie: Wisco drubs the hapless Cornhuskers in Lincoln, 38 - 7. 3 pointer. Post up with the CatWoman at 10.

McLovin: Alabama on the road vs. Texas A&M. Aggies get the usual treatment: losing 27 - 19 in College Station. McLovin advances 2 points at a time. Has 7. Must live with himself for making a deal with Satan.

The AP strikes, and Randilingus is REAMED. CCS: Stanford bests Utah on the road, 23 -10 and, suddenly Randildo's world goes dark and Chipenhausen sees a reason to live. One day at a time, Chip n' Dale. You got a win, landed at 23 for 2 more and then DIDDLE! DIDDLE! DIDDLE! 5 point bonus for an 8 point weekend. You have minus 4.
Rando, it could scarcely be worse. Last week you were on top of the world at 16. The Cardinal settles  your hash and you lose. Drop 5 on your free-fall out of the poll and then the dreaded REAM for minus 5 more. Minus ten on the weekend. Suddenly, just like that, you have only 6.

BroFro: Boise State visits BYU in Mormon-World. 24 -7 Broncos over the Cougars. Like anybody cares. You have 3 and you are going absolutely nowhere.

Timmy! One of the saddest stories of a bloody weekend. The Little Brother Game, in Ann Arbor. The AP shows its awesome power and summons the wrath of the Cosmos down upon the Big House. John O'Korn, the interception machine. You have a great defense but it will take more than ten points to beat Sparty. Doom, despair and self-flagellation are your lot. Michigan State 14, Meechy 10.  The AP has no mercy and docks you ten points in a nose-dive to #17, You now have 2 in the BRFL,.

Jimbosuke, Commissioner for Life: Ohio State obliterates Maryland 62 -14 in the Shoe. Special teams woes not going away. Hard to feel good about my total of minus 3. Is Ohio State any good or are they just playing a succession of shitty teams?
Bridshit: USC bitch-slaps the Beavers of Oregon State in the Coliseum, 38-10. That's nice, and USuckS moves up to #13 AP. Gives you a three point weekend. You keep the Commish company at minus three.

Q: Texas edges Kansas State 40 -34 in Austin. Wildcats facing a long season. It was fun winning last year, wasn't it? Cherish the memory. You have minus 5.

KBron: Hell is a missed extra point kick to tie the game against lowly LSU. At home. 17-16, LSU. KMan questioning belief in a merciful God. At risk for a number of addictions. Minus 8 and dead last in the BRFL.

Auf weidersehen,

Commissioner for Life

Monday, October 9, 2017

GG Week 7 Games

GG Week 7 Games

(For Week 6 results see the Week 6 Games post)

Oklahoma U (#12) @ Texas. Red River Rivalry in Austin. 3:30 ESPN.

Texas A&M @ Florida. 7PM, ESPN, in Gainesville.

Utah Utes @ USC (#13). 8 PM ABC, in the Coliseum.

Roll the bones.

Commissioner for Life

GG Week 7 Results.

Texas A&M 19, Florida Gators 17.
Oklahoma 29, Texas 24 in a slug-fest for the ages.
Utah Utes 27, USC 28 in a barn-burner in the Coliseum.

The whole GG race tightens up.

Seannie G picks up 2 to go to 17.
Randude only 1 to get to 9
BroFro pulls down 2 to move up to 17.
'BoSuke goes to the upset well once too often. 1 win to go to 21. Clings to the lead.
DPo 2 to go to 18
BridgBee picks 2 to go to 19.
CCS SWEEP, picks up 5 and now has 14.
McLovin, not a good year, picks up 1 to go to 9.
KBron, nabs 2 to go to 9.
SockPuppet SWEEP, 5 to go to 15, suddenly he's in this thing.
Snottie, pulls down 2 to go to 6.

Commissioner for Life.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

BRFL Week 5 Results

Catch it, Doofus.

Randude; Say hello to your new LEADER. The Utes had a bye this week but the no drop point carries the Randmeister to 16 on the  season. Utes #20 in the AP.

DPo; Notre Dame demolishes Miami (OH) in South Bend, 52-17. That's a lot of Wimbush. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, 1 for the move up to #22. 14 is the total.

SkHank; Problem with the ACC? Sooner or later you have to  play Clemson. Not a blow out but the Hokies take it in the pokie-hole 31-17 at home. Not a good look. AP smells shit. Drops VTech 4 to #16. Minus 4 on the weekend, SkUnk has 13 and he's thinking Liberace.

CockLock at #4.
SockPuppet; Miami 31-6 over Duke in a game that looked like it might be close for a half. Then, not so much. 12 for Sock.
Timmy! Meechy doesn't play. Gets the move up anyway to #7. Fuck you, AP. Teeba with 12. What did serial-masturbator Harbaugh do on the bye week? Can-openers into the Meechy diving pool with his clothes on. Look it  up on the Internet. I'm not posting that shit.

SausageFest at the 5th spot:
SeannieG; Penn State handles Indiana 45-14 in Bloomington. So sick of hearing about Saquon fucking Barkley. PSU stays at #4. SeaGra with 11.
ClemboSlice; Curb-stomping of Oregon State in Corvallis and the AP says, "meh". Wash U stays at #6, Clembo with 11. This is what is known as 'bullshit'. The AP leapfrogged Georgia up from God knows where in the poll to #5 for kicking the shit out of a bad Tennessee team. SEC madness is still around. At least Tennessee stayed classy.

Kitten; USF ass-hammers E Carolina on the road, 61-31. The Kitty moves to 9 points, USF to #18.

Snottie; Wisco slides by Northwestern in Madison 33-24. The AP fucking loves Wisconsin for some reason. Moves them up to #9. Snottie with 7.

McLovin'; Alabama hangs 66 on Ole Miss. Gives up 3. A real barn-burner in Tuscaloosa. McLovin climbs to 5. Alabama still #1. Only consolation: Nick Saban is going to hell when he dies.

Bro Fro; Boise. Bye week. Zero. Stay at 2. Questionable pick. Not too late to enter a Monestary.

KManBronie; Florida 38, Vandy 24 in Gainesville. Florida stays parked at #21. KBron has 1.

And now let's get negative.

Q: Kansas State over Baylor 33-20 in Manhattan. Get a point. Minus 5 for the Q. First step on the long road back? Doubtful.

Bridshit; Tragedy of the week. The wheels come off the Sam Darnold Heisman Train. Washington State 30, USC 27 in Pullman. Sam racks up a QB rating of 37.6 and goes 15/29 for 164 yds no TDs and 1 pick. His 9th INT on the season. Not a confidence builder. The AP is merciless. Express elevator going down minus 9. Suddenly the Killer Bee has minus 6.
Let me tell you about another Tool who has minus 6. Jimbosuke, Commissioner for Life. Ohio State mauls Rutgers  in Piscattaway 56-naught. AP moves them up 1 to numbah 10. 'Bosuke nets 3 on the weekend. Minus 6 total.

CCS: Stanford snuffs Arizona State at home but shows amazing signs of life. Bryce Love runs wild again. Wild stallions must run free. 1 point for ShitPants. Mired in misery at minus 12. Chance for redemption on the horizon.

Feels like week 13. God damn it. Hating life.

Commissioner for Life

Monday, October 2, 2017

GG week 6 Games

GG Week 6:

Pretty lean weak in the GGverse.

Louisville (#17) @ NC State (#24) THURSDAY, 8 PM, ESPN

West Virginia U (#23) @ TCU (#8) Saturday, 3:30 PM. Should TCU really be #8? You make the call.

Stanford (UNR) @ Utah (#20). Saturday night. In Provo. 10:15 PM. I'll be up. How 'bout you, Bitches?

1 for the win. 5 for the Sweep.

Commissioner for Life

For week 5 results see GG week 5 post.

GG Week 6 Results

SeannieG: 2 to go to 15 as he whiffs on the Louisville game. Bobby Petrino, Sean just can't quit you.
Randink: 2 to go to 8. Flubs the Utah game.
BroFro: 2 to go to 15.
Jimbosuke: SWEEP. 5 to go to 20.
DPo: 2 to go to 16.
Killer Bee: only 1. Falls off the pace to 17.
CCS: 2 to go to 9.
McLovin: Horrible. Zero. Not even the TCU game, Cheesey? Stay at 8.
KBron: 1 to go to 7.
SockPuppy: 2 to go to 10.
Snottie: Got one. Has 4. In disgrace.
