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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Week 12 BRFL Results

Michigan hate week, day 3.

Week 13 BRFL.
I said we all needed a Louisville loss. The Cardinals did not disappoint.

Who is this KBroniePonyBitch? Why did I bring him into the fold? Hating. Florida Gators 16, LSU 10. 1 for the win, 8(!) for the move up, 1 for the no drop, 10 point bonanza, Suddenly, this He-She is in the lead with 28.

Seannie SquishMitten: Louisville 10, U of Houston 36. Disaster strikes. Can happen in any home. At any time. That's why there is "insurance". Except in the Utopia of the BRFL. No insurance here, Teddy Brosevelt. Minus 8 sayeth the AP. You have 27, tied for the 2nd.

Wash U 44, Arizona State 18. Seattle Suck Machine asserts itself against a nobody ball club. 1 for the move up. 27 to bring CCS into a share of second place. Big deal.

Boise St. 42, UNLV 25. 2 point move up for the BroFro. A share of #2 at 27. The diabolic BroPlan is working. Hate him for that.

THE Ohio State University over Moo U. 17-16 in East Lansing. Buckeye defense rises up. 2 point weekend. Q the Kitten-Queen at 25. See below for scenarios. Liberace uber alles!

Teebs! resurfaces. Meechy 20 over Indiana 10 in the Big House with the back up QB. Line up and run the football. Jackson Peppers is a non-factor but Meechy has some lads that can play. Clash of the Titans on the horizon. 25 for Teeblations.

Clemson 35 over Wake Forest 13. Somehow McBitch gets a move up point for that. 13 for McLuvin'.

Miami 27, NCState 13. How did this happen? I thought NC State was good. Randingleberry grabs 1. Has 11.

Florida State 45, Syracuse 14. Snottie gets a gift 2 point move up for beating the Orange. Wow. 4 point weekend. Up from the depths of Negative Hell. 3 in the BRFL.

Oregon 30 over Utah 28. Shocking. SkHank straddles The Line with 0 after picking up 1.

And then there's Negative World.

Tennessee blows out Missouri 63-37. Sock Puppet gets 1 for the win, DIDDLE, DIDDLE, DIDDLE 5 points, then 1 more for landing at 24. 7 point mega-weekend pushes him near the Line of Cosmic Identity. Minus 1 for SockPuppet.

Iowa blanks Illinois, 28-0. Kirk Ferentz receives a few extra million. No surprises here. Hawkeyes turning on the juice. Too little, too late for DPong. 1 for the moves him up to -4.

Florida 16, LSU 10. Killer Bee is dealt a crippling chomp. Merciless 9 point AP plunge. Avoids the Ream. But, still, minus 10 and her season is in the ditch.

Hello, Darkness. TCU curb-stomped by Oklahoma State and the Mullet-headed Head Coach., 31-6. Every week it can't get worse. Every week it does. I know what hell feels like. JimboAbsoluteSucky at minus 12.

Hey there, ClemBronie. Remember when I "helped" you with that USC pick last year and  you lost 300+? Well, USC is kicking ass this year. Pulled the trigger on the TroyMen a year too soon, apparently. This year's pick? Notre Dame? When I surfed over to their channel they were handling Virginia Tech. Alas. It was not to be. Virginia Tech 34, Golden Domers 31. Scarface deals you a fatal hand. You remain at the bottom of this shit pile. Minus 15. Don't despair. I'm losing to Texas this week.

Talking this weekend and Scenarios:

Meechy v TOSU could not loom larger, BRFL speaking. The winner goes to the conference championship and the potentially point rich playoff run that entails. Clemson, Florida, Wash U already headed to conference championships. But it's THE GAME that's the big show this weekend. Mitigating factor? WAR EAGLE. If the Plainsmen knock off Alabama look for Wash U to be knocking on that playoff door. And the whole playoff thing to be, well, just totally fucked up.

"Our honor defend, we will fight to the end for  Ooooo-hiiiii-O!"

Commissioner for Life

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