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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Iowa v Meechy

And this is why I am so very, very happy that Jim Harbaugh is the coach of scUM.
I couldn't hate Rich Rodriguez. He was a megadouche who fetishized Josh Groban, doomed to failure because he just wasn't a "Meechy man".
And he was trying to run a PAC-12 offense in the BiG.
Fat Brady Hoke was so hopelessly in over his head that the only emotions he could inspire (even in Buckeye fans) were sympathy and pathos. I wanted to give him a hug.

But Harbaugh? Finally. A thing that I can hate without limits. I can hate this khaki-pants motherfucker from the moment I wake up until the moment that the second magnum of wine finally makes me "go to sleep".
Sometimes I dream about him being torn apart by wild dogs. Said dogs devouring his hipster glasses, shredding his M for Moron cap. These are nice dreams. Dreams from which I do not want to wake.

Here's how Jim Hardonbaugh deals with an injury to the quarterback who led the Wolverines to an undefeated season until Saturday and soldiered on through the final series with a fucking BROKEN COLLARBONE, which hurts. A lot.
Which is weird becuase the back up QB may actually be better than Speight.

I turned the game off when the Blue picked Iowa with, what, 1:38 left? And what does Khaki-Boy Long-Time do? Two runs that haven't worked all day, one to faux Heisman candidate Geoffrey Peppers, and then a super low percentage sideline throw downfield from his broken collarbone QB that stops the clock. ???...the fuck?
A line drive punt and (questionable) face mask later plus an uncharacteristic defensive meltdown and BOOP, Meechy is a one loss team and all BiG fans are going to have to learn how to say "James Franklin and Penn State are 2016 BiG Champions" without vomiting.

Commissioner for Life


  1. Your obsession with Michigan is both charming and alarming. I'm convinced you were rabid Michigan fan in your youth.

    Until you got that rejection letter.

    I feel badly for you. But you try hard so I will make a point of trying not to look down on you so much.
