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Monday, November 21, 2016

GG Week 12 Results

Welcome to Michigan Hate Week,

GG week 12 was kind of a non-event.
Of course every douche in GG-world went for Louisville, including 'BoSuke. But didn't I tell you to be careful with this one? Tom Herman, the UH coach, is a Mensa Society member, meaning he's crazy smart, and he was the master mind behind the Urban Meyer Death Machine 2014 King Cardale Jones Nat'l Champs team. He was the offensive coordinator. he'll probably be the next coach at Texas and then watch out.
Houston made the Cardinals look silly, Seannie. Admit it. You'll feel better. Your season is on life-support now.
The only GGer who didn't go for L'ville was Teebs! who, in an apparent reprise of his mysterious disappearing act last year, failed to enter any picks.

So, no sweeps. And a lot of  "ones".

SeaScum. Add 1 to go to 31.
DPussy. Add 1 to go to 30.
KBroniePony. Add 1 to go to 30.
CCSuckBalls. Add 2 to pop up to 29.
BroFro. 1 to reach 28. Metal Detector, Bitch. Best tool in the universe other than McLuvin'.
KillerBitch. Strong pull with 2 to go to 26. Grrrrrrr.
McLuvin'. Good show, Foofer. 2 to go to 25.
SockPuke. Season of Pathos continues. 1 to go to 21.
'BoSuckyLongTime. Fucking loser. 1 to go to 21.
Randilingus. 1 to go to 19. You are, like, really bad at this.
Snottie. 1 to go to 19. I have no words to describe your abject failure.
Teebs! Nice move on the pussy out. 18, Mr. No-show.

Let's move on.

Commissioner for Life.


  1. I blame everyone but me. And parties. And young people. I hate young people at parties. I blame them the most. And musicians. They are not football people. And technology. It's a toxic cocktail when all three collide. Basically I'm a victim. In the end I blame the Commish. With great power comes great responsibility and I was let down. Sad,

    1. This post made me feel tremendous guilt. For about 2 seconds. Should have "reached out". Too busy drinkin' beers and killin' deers.
      As for playing the blame game, I prefer to pin this one squarely on immigrants. Soon we won't have any more of these and things will get back to being great again.

