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Sunday, December 13, 2015

GG Week 15 Results. Army/Navy.

Army Navy week GG Results.

Pretty simple. Everybody stayed the same except Me, Me, Me and I picked up 3 to 34.

Q: 28
DPo: 32 I see you in my rear view mirror, Dog.

SockPuppet: 41
BroFo: 45
Killer Bee: 22

Teebs: Zip.
SeaScum: 37. I think you hear me knockin', Barnacle Bill. Oh yeah.
McLuvin': 31. See my tail lights, Bitch?

RandNoodle: 28
Jimbosuke: 3 to go to 34. Bring me my grog, Serving Wenches!
Snott: 41.

Commissioner for Life

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