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Thursday, December 10, 2015

GG Week 15, Army Navy Game

Tell you what we're going to do here, in GG Week 15.

Army is 2 and 9, though they are not losing games by wide margins.
Navy is 9 and 2 and ranked in the AP.
The game is in Annapolis.
Navy is a three touchdown plus favorite.

You pick the upset, Army wins, you get 5.
You pick Army and they lose by less than 7, you get 3.
You pick Army and they lose by less than 14, you get 2.
You pick Army and they lose by less than 21, you get 1.

You pick Navy and they win by 21 plus, you get 5,
by 14 plus you get 3.
by 7 plus you get 2.

You have to pick one of the point spread options. You can't just say, "Navy".
You have to say, for example, "Navy, by 14 plus."

That's how we're rolling this week.



  1. To be clear, you have to pick one of the point spread options. You have to, for example, say, "navy by 14 plus points".

  2. Army losing by less than 7. If that happens I get 3. If anything else happens I get nothing.

  3. Randy in with Navy winning by more than 14. If Navy wins by 42 or anything greater than 14 points Randy gets 3.

  4. Navy-by 21 plus

    Killer B

  5. Mc Lovin says NAVY by 7

  6. Right. Navy beats Army by anything more than 7, you get 3.

    1. No, he gets 2. If he wants 3 points he says Navy by 14, yes?

    2. Yes, you're right. I fried a synapse and wrote 3 when it should be 2. A Navy by 7 plus win gives 2 points. Sorry.

  7. "Never leave your buddy's behind."

    Navy by 14.

  8. Tell mcLovin "navy by 7" is not one of the choices. Tell Buddy's depot "navy by 14" is a choice for 7+. Just sayin so there ain't no whining. Navy by 22 or more for BroF

  9. Yes, to be clear, when you say "Navy by 7" you are saying Navy has to win by 7 PLUS, which is to say, 8 or more. If that happens, you receive 2 points. If Navy wins by 7 you get nothing. If Navy wins by 14 though, you get 2 points. I picked Army LOSING by less than 7. If Army gets dumped by 7 I get nothing. So there may not be many points scored. I am assuming that guys are just using short-hand when they say "Navy by 21" and they really mean "Navy by 21 plus".

  10. Is it really any surprise that Jimbosuke takes the Cheese on this one? Recall, my pick was "Army losing by less than 7". For 3 points. It feel goody-good, Bitches. BTW, nobody else got any points this week. Love me so much.
