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Monday, December 7, 2015

GG Week 14 Results

GG results:

Crazy stat: sweeping was the rule, not the exception.

Q: Would have swept but took Iowa. Hell and  damnation. 3 to go to 28.
DPo. Went with NC. No sweep. 3 to go to 32.
CCS. Sweep. Still the LEADER. 46.

SockPuppet. Sweep. 7 to go to 41.
BroFro. Sweep. 7 to got to 45. Sniffing Chip's ass.
Killer Bee. Sweep. Her first ever. 7 to go to 22.

Teebs. Let's not talk about it.
SeaScum. Sweep to go to 37.
McLuvin'. Sweeps his way to 31.

Randingus. Iowa. 3 to go to 28.
Jimbosuke. Megadouche. Florida (Florida!?) AND North Carolina. 2 to go to 31.
Snottie. Sweep to go to 41.

Commissioner for Life