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Monday, November 4, 2013

Week 10 - Chip-n-Shizzle in da House

Eric Upchurch/MGoBlog

Commish 41
Randidler 29
Chip 21
Clem 18
Scott 17
Chuckie 14
Timmy! 11
Paul 8
Sean 3
Drew 0
Q-Love -5
McStool -16

Commish sits this one out and retains the lead. The rest of the schedule does NOT contain Wofford, Buffalo or Louisiana-Monroe. Oklahoma next week. Five loseable games coming. I smell the ream.

Randidler with 29 in a losing "effort". Proves the 'Canes are marginal at best. I see a loss next week... and are you wondering how they'll play at Pitt November 29? Long range weather forecast calls for snow. Long range Hurricanes forecast calls for major suckage.

Chip-n-schizzle, smug bastard of smugness, manhandles the sieve-like Wolverines and their "manball" rushing stats of record negative yards. Sparty got no offense and they got no one of importance remaining on their schedule.That's what we in the bidness call being in the driver's seat.

UCLA wins but the sledding gets tougher. Potential losses for all remaining games. Including the USC game. Especially the USC game. Clem achieved maximum points; only pain and disillusionment remain.

Scott knows Clemson's best days are behind them. He knows this. He really, really knows this.OK, maybe they slip past the Citadel (the Citadel???, in November???), but two more losses are imminent.

Spooge Puppet sees the remaining schedule and sees nothing but a sea of upsets, especially when folklore trophies are at stake. And pollsters hate the BIG and want none of them to be ranked. Wisconsin gladly obliges. 

Texas A&M has Miss State, LSU and Mizzou upcoming. Remember when you thought that was a good pick, Timmay? Yeah, me neither.

BroPube gets another L this weekend. Wish we could ream him again but will probably have to wait to change the rules. Picks up a win next week against the hapless 'Canes, but loses the remainder of the season. Can we stop picking VT now, fellas?

Yeah, here's a good idea: pick a team that was in the shittiest conference that is now in the shittiest conference with the good teams removed. Because pollsters love rewarding that whole "strength of schedule thing" (insert my whiny sarcastic voice here). I'd tell Sean who Louisville is going to lose to next but have no idea what conference they are in. One more loss and you get the ream. I see two more losses coming up.

USC, baby! Nothing but upside. Likely to win out, win the conference championship and win their BCS bowl. Bold pick, Champ. Bold pick.

Boise State can't string consecutive wins together. Sorry Q, in that conference, one loss gets you unranked. You got 3. But thanks for playing.

Don't think McThornbody could get any lower. But he can try. App State is a comin'. Overlook them and you're toast. You're toast anyway, but you'd be toastier toast.Still see a diddle ahead. Then a ream.


  1. Georgia shoulda gotten the diddle this week, you all know it.

  2. Too late Bro, second embarassing season in a row.....

    At least I pick early again next season.
