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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Death-Fest, Week 12

23-black-people-not-amused-by-white-people (6)

Amigos and Amigas!

Week 12:

#10 Oklahoma @ Baylor #6.  7:30 Thursday. Big 12 Armageddon
Baylor 41, Okie 12. Bryce Petty making a Heisman statement f'sure.

#3 Oregon @ Stanford #5.  9 PM Thursday. PAC 12 Gotterdamerrung.
Oregon Tree'd again. Dux almost pull it out at the end. Suddenly, Les Miles is MY MAN!

Louisville @ UConn  8:30 Friday. SeaGra Redemption Song.
UConn goes to 0-8 and Louisville bags a W. What a waste of Teddy Bridgewater.

App. State @ Georgia 12:30 Saturday. McHatin'.
Didn't exactly dominate early on, McLove. Yet, you diddle. Where's the justice?

USC @ California 3:30  Saturday. DBlow Deathfest.
Ass-hammering the Golden Bears, DBlow? Ed Orgeron is your God.

Mississippi State @ Texas A&M 3:30 Saturday. Johnny washed up.
Out scoring another mediocre opponent. Johnny 2 time Heisman? I think so.

BYU @ Wisconsin #24. 3:30. How are you pussies ranked, Sock? Mormons kill your buzz.
Wisky rolls on. Mormania not an issue.

Virginia Tech @ #11 Miami. 7 PM. With other choices, you gave VT the nod, Bro Fro. Live with it.
Sooprise, sooprise, sooprise, Goober. Miami goes over a cliff and BroFro gets off life support.

#19 UCLA @ Arizona. Go, ClemboSlice.
UCLA looks shaky in a "win" over the anti-Chirst, RichRod. Worrisome, ClemboSlice. Right the ship, Bitch.

Commissioner for LIfe


  1. Go Bears, Ducks, Cardinals, Dawgs, Trojans, Aggies, Badgers, Hokies and Bruins.

    Need another piece of Barb's pies!


    are we using bcs rankings now?

  3. My bad, FT. When the points are tallied and the wounds are bandaged, it's always AP-style. Nice pick up.

