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Sunday, November 24, 2013

GG Week 14 Results. Commissioner's Abused.

I guess it could have been worse. I could have Oregon.

But I have Baylor. Who got completely owned by Okie State. Every single one of us picked Baylor except DPo. That should have been a sign.
Very depressed.
Hung over.
Grateful that the AP let me off the hook with a gentle bump downward of only 6 spots.

So. To GG: Behold, Bitches,

BroFro: Still out front. Adds 2. Douched on the Baylor game. Dufus. 40.
DBlow: Second place sucks hind tit. Adds 2. Nailed the Baylor loss, fucked up and picked UCLA. 38.
'Bosuke: Owns third place. Added one. Condemned to a life of Douchebaggery. 30.
ClemboSlice: owns 1/3 share of fourth. Zero correct picks 2 weeks in a row. Kill yourself. 29.
Snottie: 1 point for the LSU pick. You're no genius, Homes. 29.
Seannie Graham. 1 point. LSU pick. Douchebag. 29.
Qlove: 2 points. Whiffed on the Baylor game. I spit on your foolishness. 27. Buddy up to McLovin'.
McLovin': 1. Arizona State pick. You picked Baylor. Condemnation and hell fire for you. 27.
CCS: 1. Arizona State. Chose Baylor. Asshole. 26.
SockPuppet: 0. Again. Gave Baylor the nod. You are a numbskull. So sad. 22.
Randle: 2. Should not have picked Baylor. Confirms your "retard" bona fides. 21.
Timay!: 0.Yawn. By not picking you prove yourself smarter than the other 11 turds in the BRFL. 20.

I hate all of mankind. You included, BRFLer.

Commissioner for Life.

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