It was close and then it wasn't. Everyone had Ozzmatazz Jackson as the winner, as well as QB and ACC in their high scoring first row of the Heismaniac 2.2 grid. That is 105 points for the taking right there folks. So with an eight-way tie, we moved on to the second pick, which was Bisquiteen Watson. Now this round separated the scab from the chancre. Seannie and J-jizz failed to log any more points and brought up each other's rear. Further proof that their pillow talk led to group think. They were, effectively, no longer factors. But K-mart, McLuvin, Q and CCSpooge all picked up major points with the Watson pick. But it was C-Spooge who cleaned house and swept the second row with a perfect 70 points. McLugnut and Qoooooh were second with 60 points.The rest of us - other than Seamonkey and J-jizz- all picked up 30 or 40 more points.
The third row proved to be the toughest and only K-Y got points for his position selection of QB as the voters selected Boutros Boutros Mayfield as your second runner-up. CCSpunk had a ten point lead over McLuvin (McLuvin!) and Q going into the bonus/tie break round. Here I was awarding 2 points for each name you got right in the top 7 and 3 points for getting a name in the correct spot. 35 additional points up for grabs so the results were still in doubt. Qoooh, McLuvin and the DPo had 5 of the seven dudes correct. several dillholes had Smoochie Barrett. Laughable. Five dudes had two guys in the correct order; the results of the bonus round were: McLuvin' (McLuvin'!) picked up 16 additional points, DPo added 15, K-pad, J-suck and CCSuck each added 14.
And the Winner of Heismaniac 2.2 is :

Final Tally:
CCS: 189
Qooooh: 178
K-Mart: 169
DPo: 150
Paul: 143

ReplyDeleteWhat do I get for finishing in the top 7?