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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Heismaniac 2.2 - The Peroration

The invites went out to the Downtown Athletic Club shindig this week and 5 dudes got the golden ticket. It is looking like this:

Jackson QB ACC
Westbrook WR Big 12
Mayfield QB Big 12
Watson QB ACC
Peppers LB/DB Big 10

Some things to note: No running backs were invited. That is kind of amazing, though it can be argued that Watson and Jackson are de facto running backs. But not up in here. For scoring, they are QBs.

No one from the SEC was invited. Suckers. I guess the bagmen don't make it north of the Mason-Dixon.

On the Heismaniac 2.2 grid you submitted, there are 9 possible scoring opportunities. Eight of us entered but nobody even sniffed out those Okies, nor the Big 12. Let's hope they are just in NY to be taunted for being hicks. At this point, only K-Mart has all grids still in play; as expected, McBooger has one third of his grid blacked out.


  1. When we voted Baker Gayfield was playing like shit.
    Don't get the reasoning behind the SEC snub. Last I checked Alabama was undefeated and had some pretty amazing players.
    Jebediah Peppers is proof that if your school lobbies hard enough you'll get an invite to the Heisman circle jerk.
    I'm "bitterly disappointed" in the picks.

  2. It's a fucking world gone mad. That's all I have to say. For now.
