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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Bowlapalooza, Chapter 7 Results

Chapter 7.
A total disaster.
Out of 11 people that picked (Teebs would have been the twelfth but, well) 9 got ZERO right.
Randy picked the Baylor game. And McLuvin' had the biggest day with 2 out of 3.

Minnesota 17 over Washington State 12.
Boise State goes down to Baylor, 12-31. No bowl points for BroFace.
Pitt bows to Northwestern, 24-31.

DPud 0, has 50.
KFoofer 0, 50.
CCS 0, 49.
BroFart 0, 49.
KillerBomb 0, 46.
BoDouchy 0, 45
SeaScrotum 0, 45
McLuvin' 2, Baylor and Northwestern. 41.
Snottie 0, 40
Randude 1, 39
SockPuppet 0, 37
Teebs. Deep Cover. 24.

Commissioner for Life

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