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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

GG Week 14 Results

GG Week 14 Results:

There was some sweepin' goin' on:

Colorado flops, 41-10 they collapse vs the Huskies. Why did they leave the injured QB in?
Wisco bested by hated Penn State, 38-31. James Franklin seems like a decent dude. What the fuck he's doing at Penn State is beyond me.
Oklahoma cuts the Cowboys down to size, 38-20. At least Mike Gundy has the proud Mullet.

DPo takes 2, holds onto the lead with 37.
CCSuck with the deuce, now with 36.
Tie for third:
SeaShorts takes 2 to go to 35.
BroFro takes 2 to go to 35.
KYJellyPony grabs 2 for 34.
KillerBronie with the pair up to 30. No sweep fo you, Killah Bee.
McLoseIt has 2 added to go to 29.
'BoSuke slams the Sweep hard. 5 to go to 28. Love him.
Randongus has a pair tacked  on to go to 26.
SockPuppet gets a couple to go to 25.
Snottie goes from zero to  hero with the Sweep. 5 puts him at 24.
Teebs! returns to form with a Fiver and he also has 24.

Commissioner for Life


  1. I can't believe how amazing I am.

  2. I can't wait to send me a Christmas card of me. Signed by me.

  3. Replies
    1. This is a new low, DPo. Impersonating the Commissioner. Damn it. What is your deal?
