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Monday, November 16, 2015

GG Week 11 results

GG Week 11:

Again, It looked so easy.
But no.

2 sweeps: SeaScum and Jimbosuke.

Q. At least you got the Alabama game right. 1. 21 total.
DPo. Dropped the Baylor game. 2. 24.
CCS. Should have gone with Bob Stoops. 2. You now have 30. Still the LEADER.

Sock Puppet. Memphis? 2. 25 for you.
BroFro. Definitely not the leader. 2 for 29.
Killer Bee. 2. Strong showing. For you, I guess. 10.

Teebs. No entry. Missing in action. 11.
SeaScum. Sweep. 5. 25 total.
McLuvin'. 2. 20. Wallet check.

Randufus. 2. 21. Hard luck, hard times.
Jimbosuke. Sweep. 5. 23. Almost respectable.
Snottie. 2. 24. Glad you're not winning this.
