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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

BRFL Week 12 Results: This Was Sparta

"Haven't you brought this on yourselves
by turning away from the Lord your God
when he was leading you in the right way?

It did not help to go to Egypt
and drink from the Shihor River,

It did not help to go to Assyria
and drink from the Euphrates River.

Your evil will bring punishment to you,
and the wrong you have done will teach
you a lesson.
Think about it and understand
that it is terrible evil to turn away from
the Lord your God.
it is wrong not to fear me,"
says the Lord God All-Powerful.

Stanford. 35-22 over Cal. White-boy McCaffrey runs rough-shod over Berkeley hippies. 4 point weekend for the Prankster. 24 total. Enough to tie for second place, Mr. Yesterday.

Clemson 37-13 over powerhouse Wake Forest. Even if you weren't #1 you'd get no love for this. Judgement day is coming, King of the ACC. 2 point weekend. 30 and still LEADER, Snotts.

TCU and Fat Gary Patterson drop a close one to Oklahoma. Why go for 2 here, Gary? Or should I say "Mary"? You've come back against mega-choke artist Stoopsie WITHOUT T. Boykin, Kick the point, go to OT, give your guys a chance. But noooooo, you  have to try to throw for 2. 30-29 you go down to the Schooners and McLuvin' Googles "hanging yourself". Minus 4 weekend. You are in negative territory, McOver. You have minus 2.

I am so fucking sick of Notre Dame. All the gayness and the leprechaun shit. Playing a game in Fenway, just to be super douchey. Brian Psychopath Kelly and his Domers "crushing" Boston College (BOSTON COLLEGE?!) 19-16 in, oh my goodness, Fenway Park! Masturbatory apes at AP give you a move up for that shit, Teebs. 3 point weekend. you have 24. Tied with Mr. Yesteryank.

Georgia. 23-17 domination over much ballyhooed Georgia Southern. A win's a win, Bridget. If the season lasted until April you might make it out of negative territory. Minus 11 is your home.

Ole Miss. 38-17 over LSU as the Rebs take advantage of the Les Miles Death March. Ole Miss chugs down an 8 point weekend. 1 for the win. 1 for the no drop. 6 for the move up. Left by the side of the road dead mere weeks ago, I now have 14. I here, Bitches.

Louisville. 45-34 loss to Pitt. Mark May went to Pitt. Mark May is an asshole. BroFro with 6.

VTech. One last try for ScarFace. 30-27 the Hokies fall just short to North Carolina. North Carolina is an ACC team. This is the kind of bullshit we see every week in the lowly ACC. DPo with 5 and a still puzzling pick.

Boise Fiasco. 37-30 strafing at the hands of Air Force. Mind Freak said it best when he said, "Never bet against a service academy". Should have been a GG game. CCS with tiny 2.

USC. How brief the glory, ClemoSlice. 48-28 pasting by the resurgent Oregon Ducks. Troymen limping toward the finish. Laughable minus 8 weekend, DutchBoy. Minus 3 for the drop, minus 5 for the REAM. You have minus 11 total.

Texas A&M. 25-0 ass pounding of Vandy. 1 for the win, Q. Gives you a respectable 12.

Meechy State. No Konner Kook, or whomever. No problem. O-line: dominant. D-line: dominant. Tried to help the Bucks with two turnovers. Not enough. You win, Seannie Graham. Mark D'Antonio is your God. 5 point weekend. Are you afraid of Iowa? I doubt it. Hello, playoffs. You have 15 and, for now, you're spooning with Liberace.

THE Ohio State University. Here's where it went wrong. Last January Tom Herman, the former TOSU Offensive Coordinator, took the job as head man at Houston. Oddly, Urbs replaced him with the combination of Ed Wariner, the Oline coach, and a guy named Tim Beck. And they suck as OCs. Ed Wariner was a good O-line coach but as an OC? Not so much. Tim Beck is supposed to be an OC that helps coach the QBs. You've seen our QB play this year. Do you think Tim Beck knows what he's doing? Zeke was right. The play calling was bad. Horrible. And so was our O line. I'm only sorry Zeke apologized. He was just saying what everybody knew to be true. It was a pussy-ass, let's-try-not-to-lose game plan and we lost. 17-14. downed by Sparta. It was an apocalyptic fuck-up by a bunch of guys who get paid way more than you ever will to run around in sneakers and relaxed fit pants yelling at 17-21 year olds.

Minus 6. You got off easy, Sock. You have 9.

Arkansas. The Pigs drop a close one to Mississippi State, 51-50. Stout defense is Bert Bielema's calling card. Randy, you will never get your diddle. Stick at minus 5.

Commissioner for Life

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