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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Season Nueve: The Dollars

Here are the figures, Brothers and Sisters:

Scottie: + 182
Jimbosuke: + 182
Randude: + 102
McLuvin': +76 and the Liberace for a year.
SeaDawg: +64
Teeblations: +37

BroFro: -5
SockPuppet: -28
ClemboSlice: -43
CCS: -78
DPo: -93
SkHank: -184
Q: -210

Couple things:

Who had T-shirts from last year that were paid for and never received? Let me know and I will mail them to you.

And remember, bring some extra swag for GG and Heismaniac. 20 bucks for GG and 10 for the Heisman contest.

You can mail me your dough or wait for the payout.



  1. I'm cashing out the 401k. I hope y'all are happy.

  2. Surprisingly enough I have absolutely no fucking clue where I stand on the T-shirt "situation".

  3. Guys and gals who were at the pay out probably picked them up. I think the guys who didn't get them were Teebs, Randude maybe that's all.

  4. Does everyone agree this was the best season ever? Lovin me some BRFL!

  5. Does everyone agree this was the best season ever? Lovin me some BRFL!

  6. I, for one, totally agree. A couple bugs to work out in GG and, of course, heismaniac but over all it was pretty amazing. Some major participation and a down to the wire finish.
