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Monday, January 12, 2015

GG Bowls: Judgement Day

And it has come to this:

As DPuke posted some time ago, GG is down to two; SeaBlow and DBung.

Again, paraphrasing DPo:

SeaBlow can't sweep owing to his ECU loss. Sockn'Balls and Snott, both with wise, confident picks in the championship game (the Buckeyes, of course) can pick up 2 each. They'll still suck hind tit to Seannie Graham by one point.
But DPo. Ah, DPo. The Silent Killer. He picked both games so far, both favorites, both awarding one point. He can still sweep. If he picks Oregon and they win it's a 5 point sweep. He beats SeaBiscuit by 1 (97 to 96). If he picks the Men of the Scarlet and Gray and they win, it's a one underdog sweep, he grabs 6 and tops old SeaBunger 98 - 95.

So it's all on DPo. Make the right pick, wear the GG crown.
If you make the wrong pick you will either be in a three way tie for second (Oregon loss) or you will own second place (Ohio State loss).

Ohio State is going to win this game. Death or glory!



  1. For the Win: Ducks!

    Go with Christ.

  2. This is your last chance, Sinners. Repent and change your misguided pick. Look away from the dope-addled, corporate monetized, fashion show dinglehole ducks. Be ye no longer a Blasphemer, yoked to the unholy union of sweat shop Cambodian labor and savvy marketing ploys. Put your faith in some good old rust belt, red state, concussion friendly American boys from the Heartland. Thems that vanquished Meechy State, Meechy, Wiscockson and the hated Crimson Tide. For you, Apostates, there is no tomorrow. Change your pick and live a long and happy life. Stick with your bullshit and wake tomorrow full of regret and covered with boils.
    Don't say I didn't warn you.

  3. I've changed my mind, I'll take TOSU!

  4. Seannie takes the cheese. Three way tie for second: Snottie, Sock n' Balls, DPo. Third place, with 88, late surging BroFro who picked up the only sweep, a 6 pointer since, blessedly, he had the good judgement to pick the Men of the Scarlet and Gray. Congrats to BroFro.

    Great GG season. Appreciate the participation.

