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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

BRFL Season Nueve: Damage Report

Here's how it went down in the final weeks:

Starting in Negative Territory:

QMoney's Cardinal gets a bowl win. 2 points, finishes up at minus 4. Another lost season.

Q has a new roomie in NegativeLand: Skhank. Check it out: Henry takes the REAM as CrazyLesMiles and his tiger balls douche one to the Domers in the bowl. Hank goes from # 22 to unranked, gets reamed, accumulates minus 8 on the journey and ends the season minus 2.
I have no words. No. Words.

DPo: No bowl. No points. Ends with 5. Harbaugh to the rescue. Too late for this year, Bitch.

CCS. Iowa. Another bowl. Another loss. Finish with 7. Season of Shame.

ClemFuckee. Duke fails the DutchBoy. Loss. 9. So much promise to end like this, fetched up in the ditch.

SockPuppet.  Troymen finish strong. Bowl win gives 2, move up 4 to #20, 1 no drop, net 7, end the season with 10. Not so bad.

BroFro. BYU ends with a bowl loss. 11 total. Respectable given the deep hole of horrible shit you started digging out of about 3 months ago. I acknowledge your prodigious capacity for suffering.

Teeba. Wisco fights back and nails the bowl. Big game for Melvin G. 2 for the win, 4 for the move up, 1 for the no drop. 7 + 8 = 15 season total. Always remember how TOSU beat your ass like a rented mule. That's all I ask.

SeaBiscuit. Whiney-Ass Art Briles disses the whole universe then neglects to win his bowl game. Maybe leave Waco once in awhile, Fucker, Crash dive minus 3. End with 17. Too many Texas eggs in your basket, 'Biscuit.

McLovin. Gut wrenching irony as your near fatal Georgia pick from last year, under new management (JIMBOSUKE) knocks off Louisville and costs you minus 4 in bowl season. Narrowly dodging a ream, BroSki. I smear dog feces on your truck console, McPussy.
Consolation: You're going home with the Liberace. Handle with care.

Randoodle. So close, far. KState fills the bowl with a stinky turd and you free-fall minus 7 from #11 to # 18. 27 - 7 = 20. Welcome to second place, Brah. You thought you were going to win again, Dog'sAss?! Think again.

And now, an unprecedented development. Two BRFLers score 26 points each to share the top spot.
Here's how: Snottie's Meechy State Spartans storm back and butt-hammer Seannie's Bears. 2 for the win, 2 for the move up to #5, one for the no drop, total 5, plus his 21 finishes with 26. Nice job.

'BoSuke, Sing Praises Unto Him, ass-whips Louisville in the bowl, 2 for the win. Moves up from #13 to #9 that's 4 more, one for the no drop, total 7, add to his 19, DING DING DING!: 26. God DANG, I love me some ME!

I haven't calculated the payout yet but compared to other years this was a tight, tight race and I don't think we'll have to put anyone on suicide watch.

I had fun at least.
