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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Wowzer in me Trouser


Season Nueve: The Dollars

Here are the figures, Brothers and Sisters:

Scottie: + 182
Jimbosuke: + 182
Randude: + 102
McLuvin': +76 and the Liberace for a year.
SeaDawg: +64
Teeblations: +37

BroFro: -5
SockPuppet: -28
ClemboSlice: -43
CCS: -78
DPo: -93
SkHank: -184
Q: -210

Couple things:

Who had T-shirts from last year that were paid for and never received? Let me know and I will mail them to you.

And remember, bring some extra swag for GG and Heismaniac. 20 bucks for GG and 10 for the Heisman contest.

You can mail me your dough or wait for the payout.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

BRFL Season Nueve: Damage Report

Here's how it went down in the final weeks:

Starting in Negative Territory:

QMoney's Cardinal gets a bowl win. 2 points, finishes up at minus 4. Another lost season.

Q has a new roomie in NegativeLand: Skhank. Check it out: Henry takes the REAM as CrazyLesMiles and his tiger balls douche one to the Domers in the bowl. Hank goes from # 22 to unranked, gets reamed, accumulates minus 8 on the journey and ends the season minus 2.
I have no words. No. Words.

DPo: No bowl. No points. Ends with 5. Harbaugh to the rescue. Too late for this year, Bitch.

CCS. Iowa. Another bowl. Another loss. Finish with 7. Season of Shame.

ClemFuckee. Duke fails the DutchBoy. Loss. 9. So much promise to end like this, fetched up in the ditch.

SockPuppet.  Troymen finish strong. Bowl win gives 2, move up 4 to #20, 1 no drop, net 7, end the season with 10. Not so bad.

BroFro. BYU ends with a bowl loss. 11 total. Respectable given the deep hole of horrible shit you started digging out of about 3 months ago. I acknowledge your prodigious capacity for suffering.

Teeba. Wisco fights back and nails the bowl. Big game for Melvin G. 2 for the win, 4 for the move up, 1 for the no drop. 7 + 8 = 15 season total. Always remember how TOSU beat your ass like a rented mule. That's all I ask.

SeaBiscuit. Whiney-Ass Art Briles disses the whole universe then neglects to win his bowl game. Maybe leave Waco once in awhile, Fucker, Crash dive minus 3. End with 17. Too many Texas eggs in your basket, 'Biscuit.

McLovin. Gut wrenching irony as your near fatal Georgia pick from last year, under new management (JIMBOSUKE) knocks off Louisville and costs you minus 4 in bowl season. Narrowly dodging a ream, BroSki. I smear dog feces on your truck console, McPussy.
Consolation: You're going home with the Liberace. Handle with care.

Randoodle. So close, far. KState fills the bowl with a stinky turd and you free-fall minus 7 from #11 to # 18. 27 - 7 = 20. Welcome to second place, Brah. You thought you were going to win again, Dog'sAss?! Think again.

And now, an unprecedented development. Two BRFLers score 26 points each to share the top spot.
Here's how: Snottie's Meechy State Spartans storm back and butt-hammer Seannie's Bears. 2 for the win, 2 for the move up to #5, one for the no drop, total 5, plus his 21 finishes with 26. Nice job.

'BoSuke, Sing Praises Unto Him, ass-whips Louisville in the bowl, 2 for the win. Moves up from #13 to #9 that's 4 more, one for the no drop, total 7, add to his 19, DING DING DING!: 26. God DANG, I love me some ME!

I haven't calculated the payout yet but compared to other years this was a tight, tight race and I don't think we'll have to put anyone on suicide watch.

I had fun at least.


Saturday, January 17, 2015

GG 2014: The Final Tally

(This Vine is of King Cardale Jones throwing one out of bounds...right into the hands of JT Barrett on the TOSU sideline with his leg on his scooter.)

GG Bowls. The Final Chapter yielded one Sweep: That's BroFro, by God. His last minute vote change (away from the Ducks, over to the Bucks) gave him a one underdog sweep worth 6 and vaulted him into what turned out to be a 4 way tie for second place. BroFro finishes with 94.

SockPuppet and Snottie finished with 94 each. They had a rough Final Chapter but picked up 2 points with the Ohio State win.

DPo had a sweep going but he went with the Ducks in the nat'l championship game and, well, we know how that worked out. Finishes with 94 harbaughs.

'BoSuke also had a rough Final Chapter. Had the Men of the Scarlet and Gray in the championship game. Got 2 points and finished alone  in 3rd with 88.

McLovin': 87 (Go Bucks, Bro').

Q$ and CCS end with 81 each.

Randawg finishes up with 72.

Clem with 62.

Teebs with 10.

And the winner is SeannieGraham with 95. Whiffed in the Final Chapter on every game but Toledo but that 1 point was enough to put him over the top. Finished with 95. Congrats to SeaBiscuit.

Of course, like a douche, I didn't collect the 20 bucks that makes GG chug along like a well oiled machine and pays off the winners. But, theoretically, if I got $20 from every participant (we had 12/13) then the pot is 240. Minus the 20 dollar entry fee that the third place winner ('BoSuke) gets to keep leaves us with 220. 80% of that goes to the winner: $176 clams for SeaNNNNie. 20% goes to number 2, but split 4 ways this year: $11 each for Snottie, Sockn'Balls, DPo and BroFro.

Suspicion will now fall on the Commissioner for coming away with more dough for third place than his Brahs got for second. Honestly, I didn't plan it this way. I'm not that clever.

Here is what D. Po thinks of your final tally:

Monday, January 12, 2015

GG Bowls: Judgement Day

And it has come to this:

As DPuke posted some time ago, GG is down to two; SeaBlow and DBung.

Again, paraphrasing DPo:

SeaBlow can't sweep owing to his ECU loss. Sockn'Balls and Snott, both with wise, confident picks in the championship game (the Buckeyes, of course) can pick up 2 each. They'll still suck hind tit to Seannie Graham by one point.
But DPo. Ah, DPo. The Silent Killer. He picked both games so far, both favorites, both awarding one point. He can still sweep. If he picks Oregon and they win it's a 5 point sweep. He beats SeaBiscuit by 1 (97 to 96). If he picks the Men of the Scarlet and Gray and they win, it's a one underdog sweep, he grabs 6 and tops old SeaBunger 98 - 95.

So it's all on DPo. Make the right pick, wear the GG crown.
If you make the wrong pick you will either be in a three way tie for second (Oregon loss) or you will own second place (Ohio State loss).

Ohio State is going to win this game. Death or glory!


Thursday, January 8, 2015

TOSU 6.5 pt. Dog to OU.

Here's Darron Lee, true freshman, giving some Alabama flunkies a little shit during the semi-final game. I don't think there was a lot of talk back here from the Tide boys.

Men of the Scarlet and Gray.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

If the BRFL was a soccer goalie...

He has more balls bouncing off his face than LaCava at a Prime Care Christmas party.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Smokin' - The final GG

By my calculations, I am the only one who can prevent Seaman from taking the GG cheese.

Dig this: After the first two games of the final GG trilogy, Seabung picks up 1 to 95.
Sockbung and Snotbung got dick for both games, remain at 92
D. Lord has the sweep still alive, nails the first two and is resting comfortably at 94.

I could match Seamunch with the Oregon pick and come out ahead by virtue of my sweepitude with a win. Nice.

An Oregon pick coupled with an Oregon loss puts me in second place 3-way with Sock-n-Snot, Seascrote takes the fat stacks. Unacceptable.

I could go all OSU on you bitches, win outright with a Buckeye championship. Is the cheddar worth watching burning couches on High Street? Meh.

I pick OSU and they gloriously lose, and I'm second fiddle to Sealick's sack o' cash.


Monday, January 5, 2015

GG Bowls; Chapter 10 Results. January 2nd.

GG Bowls, Chapter 10;

Pitt redefines "douching" and many BRFLers go down in flames;

UHouston over Pittsburgh, 35-34 in a comeback for the ages.
Tennessee dumps hapless Iowa.
UCLA outlasts K State. Randude bunghole smarting.
Wash U drops the bowl to Oklahoma State. Sean and Quathy saw it coming. No one else did.

No sweeps. McLovin' and SeaBag came close.

New Numbers:

SeaDawg: 4 to 94. Still on top.
Sock n' Balls: 2 to 92. Never say die.
Spotswood: 3 to 92. Tenaciously clinging to balls.
DPuke: 4 to 92. The Silent Killer.
'BoSuke: 4 to 86. Mr. Outside Looking In.
McLovin': 5 to 83. Suckin' hind tit.
BroFro': 4 to 82. Yesterday's news.
Q$: 2 to 77. Promise unfulfilled.
CCS: 3 to 77. Loserville.
RZ: 2 to 72. 2 little 2 late, Brah.
ClemSuckee: 1 to 62. I hear a dog laughing. Ha ha ha.
Teebs: naught. 10. Tragicomic attempt at GG.

Some of us are just plain finished.

GG marches on.


Saturday, January 3, 2015

GG Bowls: The Final Chapter

GG The Final Chapter:

East Carolina U v Florida
Florida the favorite by 7.
Birmingham, AL
noon. today.

Toledo v Arkansas State
Mobile, AL
Toledo the favorite by 4.
9 PM.

Oregon U. v Ohio State

Sing it with me, Friends:

"Our honor defend, we will fight to the end 
for OOO-Hiiii-o!"

Oregon the favorite by 7.
8:30 PM, Jan. 12

Rules Package:T

Pick the favorite and win, 1 point.
Pick an underdog and win, 2 points.

Pick all three favorites and sweep, 5 points.
Pick at least one underdog and sweep, 6 points.
Pick all three underdogs and sweep, 8 points.

Last chance to make your move, Boys.


Friday, January 2, 2015

Bowlmageddon Results

GG Chapter 9, Bowlmageddon Results:

Wisconsin 34, Auburn 31 in OT. 2 point game.
Meechy State 42 over Baylor 41. Sparty. 4 point game.
Mizzu downs Minnesota, 33-17. A rare bright spot for the SEC. 1 point.
Oregon ass-hammers Florida State 59-20. No means no, Jameis. 1 point.
Ohio State 42 - Alabama 35. Man of the Scarlet and Gray move on. 1 point.

New Numbers:

SeaBiscuits: 3 to move up to 90.
Sock n' Balls: 4 to 90.
Spottie: 2, 89.
DPew: 2, 88.
'BoSuke; 8, missed the blowout, 82. Love me some BiG.

BroFro: 2, 78; McLovin', 5, 78.
Q$: 3, 75.
CCS: 1, 74. Bad, bad day.
Randy: 3, 70.
ClemboSlice: 2, 61.
Teeba: 0, 10.

What Sparty did to my GG Picks

GG Bowls, Chapter 10

Kansas State v UCLA
an ownership game.
2 for the win
San Antonio, TX.
6:45 PM

Washington v Okie State
Tempe, AZ
1 point

Iowa v Tennessee
2 for the win
Jacksonville, FL
3:20 PM

Houston v Pitt
1 for the win.
Fort Worth, TX

10 for the sweep.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

GG Bowls: Chapter 9: Bowlmageddon

Harken, Eathlings:

Auburn v Wisconsin. The Mysterious Mr. T owns Wisco. 2 points for the win.
Tampa, Fl.
12 noon

Meechy St. v Baylor. SnottBall and SeaNutz, double ownership issues. 4 points.
Arlington, TX.

Missouri v Minnesota. Yah, shore, you betcha'. 1 point.
Orlando, Fl.
1 PM

Oregon v Florida State. 1 point.
Pasadena, CA.
5 PM

Alabama v THE Ohio State University. 1 point.
Drive, drive on down that field, Men of the Scarlet and Gray!
New Orleans, LA.
8:30 PM

A sweep, almost incomprehensible, is worth 15 points.

Let 'er rip, Boys.


GG New Year's Eve Results

One sweeper: Fucking Randy again. He has now picked the last 6 games straight. Talk about making a move.

New Numbers:

SeaBiscuit: 87
SnottNose: 87
DPo: 86
Sock n'Balls: 86
BroFro: 76
Bosuke: 74
McLickin': 73, CCS: 73
Q$exy: 72
RZ: 67
Clem: 59, sad, no entry
Teebs: 10, Tragicomedy.

Onward, M'bitches.
