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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Heismaniac, The Moment

Heismaniacs, the night of nights is upon us.

There are only a few intrepid BRFLers who can walk away with this thing:

DBlow; Winston 222. Manziel 46. McCarron 5. First place votes. Lets not go through that shit again.

McLOVIN'!; Winston 321. Manziel 74.

BroPubes; Winston 321.2.

Jimbosuke; McCarron 50. Manziel 20.

ClemboSlut; Winston 100. McCarron 51. Manziel 14.

SuckPuppy; Winston 300. Manziel 300.

Snottie; Manziel 500(!). Winston 250.

CCSuck; Winston 298. Manziel 32.

The six finalists, in case you missed it, are Jamies Winston (FSU), Jordan Lynch (NIU), AJ McCarron (Ala), Johnny Manziel (TA&M), Tre Mason (War Eagle) and Andre Williams (BC)

Good luck, Fuckamachimas.

Commissioner for Life


  1. Heismaniac: The Annual Controversy.

    As expected, Winston ran away with it. So the Dude with the most first place votes listed wins. Couldn't be simpler. Except that BroPube, in a novel twist, allocated his votes by percentage. His percentage for Winston turned out to be 321.2 and change. But, there can be no .2 of a voter. The Commissioner had to round down. Damned if McLovin' didn't pull in with 321 as well. Amazing.

    Enter this year's tie break. Who did you have that got the next most first place votes? Ol' hot girlfriend choke in the Iron Bowl AJ McCarron. McLovin' didn't have him. BroStub either. Weeeellllll. Who's next with first place votes? Darned if it ain't Johnny Football. BroFro had him getting no votes. McLovin' gave him way too much love with 74 first place votes. Johnny Foozball got 30 first place nods, in fact.

    Heismaniac Crown goes to McLovin'. God knows he needs the help this year.

    I feel good about this year's contest and, dadgummit, I feel good about myself.

    Commissioner for Life

    1. Well hot diggety dawg, lookie lookie, McSuck found a fuckin' cookie........gotta be honest that I've been kinda lukewarm on Heismaniac since it's rocky inception, but dang if winnin' it don't fix my attitude all the heck up !!!
      Sure will help offset my Georgia losses for the year.
      Thanks for the cheese fellow Heismaniacs.
      Good luck in the Bowls !

  2. SeaGrab may have some hurt feelings here as he had Jameis Winston snagging something like 883 votes. Sadly, SeaScums vote total was way, way over 929. Commissioner had to step in with the disqualification.

  3. Hey, just wonderin', since Georgia didn't play again this week, can I get a whole bunch more points maybe?


    Pretty please?

  4. Whoa Nellie......I'm sure Sister Rosella Francis taught me 321.2 is more than 321. Although, Catholic Central is now Seton Catholic, so all that may have been invalidated. Congrats to my hero....No, I mean Mike, not Jameis.

  5. Besides, I had Manziel down for 9 percent, which I thinks is about 115 .56 votes, rounding nowhere

    1. I believe yur post said "9" not 9 %, which i interpreted as 9 votes. Too little love for Johnny. Had it been 9%, that would have been WAY too much. McLovin't came the closest. He takes Heismaniac. Love the analysis though.

  6. And 321 is more than my actual Jameson's prediction, which was 232, I.e., 25 percent of 929

    1. Oh. So McLovin' won even without invoking the Johhny Fuzzballs vote. That's good because that Johnny F thing was bothering me. A little. A very little.

    2. I like Bears, and twerking with June after we've been a little hard on the Beaver.

  7. Heismaniac 4ever, Bros!
    What a contest. God damn. I love me some ME.

    Commissioner for Life

  8. You are correct sir. mclovin stands alone, a victor of his own merits.
