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Friday, December 27, 2013

GG Bowls, Part 3 Results. CCS steps up his game.

GG just got a little tighter thanks to a douche-fest trey of games over the last couple days.

Behold: Snottie also rises.

DSlow adds 1, 49 maintains dominance.
BroDouche adds the deuce, 48.
ClemboSlice adds zip, 44.
Snottie adds 1, 41.
CCS sweeps in with 5, 40.
McLovin' falls flat, gets snuffed, 0, 40.
Jimbosuke, adds 1, 39. Losing altitude by the game.
Q, no entry, 0, stay at 36.
SeaBag, no entry, 0, stay at 33. "What's your deal?"
Randribble, no entry, zed, stay at 29. Awful.
SockPup adds 1, 27, at least you're trying.
Timay, no entry, nada, 20. No mas.

Don't forget the three games tonight. See previous post.

Commissioner for Life.

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